Mariangela Benedetta Costanzo

PhD Student
PhD in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXVIII Cycle
Tutor: Giancarlo Polizzi
  • June 2023- Ongoing PhD course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania, Section of Plant Pathology. Research project: "Phytopathogenic fungi vectored by invasive bark and ambrosia beetles and approaches for their sustainable management"
  • January 2022 – July 2022: Research Grant, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania. Research grant title: “Controlli fitosanitari su accessioni di vite” (D.R. n. 4262 del 22.11.2021) activated within the research program ''Reperimento, caratterizzazione genetico-sanitaria e realizzazione di un campo di germoplasma di vitigni “gioiello” della Sicilia” (Progetto PSR-Sicilia 2014-2020, Misura 4.4.a - 10.2.a). Supervisor: prof. Giancarlo Polizzi.
  • March 2021 – September 2021: Research Grant, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania. Research grant title: ''Caratterizzazione molecolare e strategie sostenibili di lotta di agenti fungini responsabili di cancri del legno” (D.R. n.3473 del 23.11.2020) activated within the research program ''Innovazioni di prodotto e di processo in campo e in post-raccolta per la valorizzazione del pistacchio in Sicilia” (Progetto PSR-Sicilia 2014-2020, Misura 16, Sottomisura 16.1). Supervisor: prof. Giancarlo Polizzi.
  • 2020: Qualification to the profession of Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Catania.
  • June 2019-January 2020 Contamination Lab- Start-Up with project “Green 100”: the aim is the production of healthy and sustainable vegetables through an aquaponics cultivation system using materials with low or no environmental impact.
  • 2018-2020 Master Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (LM-69), University of Catania. Degree thesis: Caratterizzazione e patogenicità di agenti fungini responsabili di cancri del legno in piante di mango”. Supervisor: prof. Giancarlo Polizzi Graduated with a first-class honour's degree (110/110 cum laude).
  • 2015-2018 Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (L-25), University of Catania. Bachelor thesis: “L’avocado nel mondo e in Sicilia: importanza, caratteristiche della coltura e malattie fungine di maggiore interesse''Supervisor: prof. Giancarlo Polizzi Graduated with a first-class honour's degree (110/110 cum laude).
  • 2015 High School Graduation Liceo Scientifico  "Principe Umberto di Savoia”, Catania, Italy.


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