
The department hosts the Agricultural Science Library, established in 2012 to serve the faculty and students.

Library Office -
Responsible officerBalsamoGermana095 4783337
Deputy responsible officerFoti CuzzolaConcetta095 7580325
DamigellaMaria Francesca095 4783337

The catalog of the Library includes thousands of monographs and periodicals, bibliographic and legislative databases as well as on line resources. Most of materials comes from that present in libraries hosted by Institutes of the former Faculty of Agriculture. The Library is now articulated in several specialized scientific sections, and its resource are available and localized in locations

Location: via Valdisavoia
Service Points Library Assistants
Ex Biblioteca centrale di Facoltà Germana Balsamo
Maria Francesca Damigella
Area Agronomia Rosaria Marino
Location: via Santa Sofia
Service Points Library Assistants
Area Difesa Alessandra Licciardello
Area Economia - Biblioteca "V. Patuelli" Concetta Foti Cuzzola
Area Ingegneria Adele Mistretta
During the Library opening hours, users can take advantage of many services, such as:
  • reading and consultation in the room (only at the points of the former Central Library and the "V. Patuelli" Library);
  • books’ loan;
  • advice and guidance to bibliographic research through catalogs, databases and digital collections (references);
  • retrieval and supply of unavailable documents (document delivery service);
  • access to Internet for educational and research purposes.
Last updated: 
02/13/2021 - 17:24