Alberto Fiorenza

PhD in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXVI Cycle
Tutor: Giancarlo Polizzi

2020 – 2023 Ph.D. Candidate

Ph.D. course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania.

Research project: “Diversity of Botryosphaeriaceae species on Mediterranean and tropical plants”.

The aims of the Ph.D. project are:

1) Study the morphological and molecular characterization of fungal isolates belonging to Botryosphaeriaceae and associated with symptomatic trunk, branches, twigs, leaves, and fruits;

2) Determine pathogenicity of the most commonly isolated putative pathogens, distribution and aggressiveness comparison;

3) To evaluate the sensitivity of recovered pathogens to multiple fungicides, Biological control agents (BCAs), and Systemic Acquired Resistance inducers in vitro and in vivo tests.

May 2020

Qualification as Agronomist and Forestry Doctor.

2017 – 2019

MSc in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (LM-69), University of Catania.

Degree thesis: “Characterization of Eutypa lata and Cytospora pistaciae causing dieback and canker of pistachio in Italy”.

2013 – 2017

BSc in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (L-25), University of Catania.

Degree thesis: “Mineral nutrition of nursery potted plants”.

2013 High School Diploma

I.I.S.S. Benedetto Radice, Bronte (CT)

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