Valentina Formica
Dottorato in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXIX CicloTutor: Paolo Guarnaccia
- 2023-2026: PhD Course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science at University of Catania (Italy). Research project on: “Innovative and sustainable cropping systems and extraction technologies to boost quantitative-qualitative production and valorization of Mediterranean aromatic and medicinal species”.
- November 2023: Qualification as Agronomy and Forestry Doctor.
- July 2023: Master's Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania; Dissertation: “Effects of water stress on Mediterranean medicinal plants grown in the Iblei area”. Final grade: 110/110 cum laude.
- May 2023: Training course in the use of microwave-assisted extraction reactor at CNR - INO National Institute of Optics - National Research Council, Pisa.
- January 2022 - July 2023: Scholarship: at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, section of Agroecology, on the topic "Application of agroecological principles to the sustainable management of officinal and tomato crops in Southern Sicily" as part of the two projects PSR 2014-2020 Sicily Region - measure 16 - submeasure 16. 1 - call 2018: "Agronomic and technological innovations for the sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants and the production of quality essential oils" - INSOLE" and "From seed to table: information technologies for the traceability and sustainability of the tomato supply chain the Mediterranean crops - TOMATRACK".
- October 2021: Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania; Dissertation: "Medicinal plants in Sicily: from traditional uses to their use in green chemistry". Final grade: 110/110 cum laude.
- July 2018: Diploma in Languages - Bonaventura Secusio High School, Caltagirone (CT).
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