Academic Year 2020/2021 - 2° Year - Curriculum SICUREZZA E VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI ALIMENTARICredit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 35 hours
Exercise: 14 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
1. Knowledge and understanding.The course aims to provide students with those necessary details, in terms of methods of control of the main pests of food, useful for representing and understanding the management of the business issue.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding. The knowledge gained during this course will lay the basis for developing the students' skills and for the definition of the most appropriate management and control programs related with pest infestations.
3. Communication skills. Based on the acquired knowledge, students can develop communication and interpersonal skills for business counseling and to perform technical and scientific valuations.
Course Structure
Lectures and exercises (classroom and company), also on line
If teaching is done in mixed or remote mode, specific changes to the program may need to be made
Detailed Course Content
Notes on the biology of principal pest groups. Control techniques mainly adopted in different Mediterranean agrifood sectors. Control strategies by means of physical, biological and biotechnological methods. Chemical control: the low environmental impact molecules and legislation Background. The Integrated Pest Management: objectives and methods
Textbook Information
1. Süss L., Locatelli D. P. I parassiti delle derrate. Riconoscimento e gestione delle infestazioni nelle industrie alimentari. Calderini Edagricole, (2001), 363 pp.
2. Belcari A., Macchione P., Gianchecchi U., Bacciotti D., Nencetti A., Rossi F., Gestione integrata degli animali infestanti nelle industrie alimentari. Firenze University Press, 2012 - 174 pp.
3. Trematerra P. & Süss L., Prontuario di entomologia merceologica e urbana. Aracne edit. 2007, 154 pp.
4. D.W. Hagstrum, B. Subramanyam, Fundamentals of Stored-Product Entomology. Ed. AACC Intern. 323 pp. 5. Other scientific material provided by the teacher.