Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: MARIO DI GUARDO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and comprehension: The course is composed by a general part in which the concept of fruit quality and how this could be affected by the harvest and post-harvest techniques will be dissected and by a special part in which either the peculiarities in terms of post-harvest management of the most important fruit crops and the most important national and Sicilian DOP will be discussed

Applying knowledge and comprehension: The course will cover the principal notions on the valorisation of fruit crops cultivated in the Mediterranean, continental and subtropical areas. The principal metabolomic, organoleptic and qualitative changes occurring during ripening will be analysed toward an optimal management of the supply and storage of fruits.

Independence: Course is also based on exercitation through test with multiple choices to help the students improving their maturity on the topics of the course 

Communication skills: The change of opinions in the class during the lectures will help the student in acquiring critical sense and the appropriate technical lenguage.

Learnign skills: At the end of the course, thanks also to the exercitations and the intermediate exam, the student will develop deep insights on the topics of the course and will inprove the communication skills both in terms of techinical lenguage and in the capacity to organize and stracture a talk on the topic of the course.  

Course Structure

The course consists in 28 hours of lectures and 28 hours of practical activities (focus on specific topics related to the object of the course and/or technical visit). 

Required Prerequisites

Basic knoweldge of vegetal biology


Attendance of Lessons

Attending the lectures is not mandatory, but strongly suggesed

Detailed Course Content

1 Objectives of the course

2 Fruit quality

3 Sensorial aspects related to fruit quality

4 Destructive evaluation methods for fruit quality

5 Food security

6 Nutritional quality

7 Influence of pre-harvest techniques in the fruit quality

8 Ripening and senescence processes

9 Ripening indexes

10 The role of ethylene in the post-harvest physiology of fruits

11 The role of temperatures and relative humidity during post-harvest

12 Cold storage

13 Fruit transport and logistic management

14 The use of food waste

15 LCA analysis of the main food chains

16 Rules, certification and labelling of fruits

17 Apple

18 Pear

19 Stone fruits

20 Table grape

21 Citrus

22 Strawberry

23 Tropical and sub-tropical fruits

24 Kiwi fruit

25 National and international DOP

Textbook Information

 Fruit Quality and its Biological Basis, by M. Knee, Blackwell edition (Testo 2)

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Objectives of the courseTesto 2 Capitolo 1
2Fruit qualityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
3Sensorial aspects related to fruit qualityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
4Destructive evaluation methods for fruit qualityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
5Food securityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
6Nutritional qualityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
7Influence of pre-harvest techniques in the fruit qualityTesto 2 Capitolo 1
8Ripening and senescence processesLearning material provided by the teacher
9Ripening indexesTesto 2 Capitolo 6-7-8
10The role of ethylene in the post-harvest physiology of fruitsTesto 2 Capitolo 5
11The role of temperatures and relative humidity during post-harvestTesto 2 Capitolo 5
12Cold storageLearning material provided by the teacher
13Fruit transport and logistic managementLearning material provided by the teacher
14The use of food wasteLearning material provided by the teacher
15LCA analysis of the main food chainsLearning material provided by the teacher
16Rules, certification and labelling of fruitsLearning material provided by the teacher
17AppleLearning material provided by the teacher
18PearLearning material provided by the teacher
19Stone fruitsLearning material provided by the teacher
20Table grapeLearning material provided by the teacher
21CitrusLearning material provided by the teacher
22StrawberryLearning material provided by the teacher
23Tropical and sub-tropical fruitsLearning material provided by the teacher
24Kiwi FruitLearning material provided by the teacher
25National and international DOPLearning material provided by the teacher

Learning Assessment

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Describe the stages composing the ripening process 

Describe the concept of fruit quality for tree crops