Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: UMBERTO ANASTASI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The aim of the course is to guide students to learn basic concepts and to acquire skills on the qualitative descriptors of food production. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of pre- and post-harvest factors that influence the quality of typical plant productions of the Mediterranean environment in relation to conventional and eco-compatible farming methods, as well as to the preservation of agrobiodiversity and enhancement of products of field crops.

In particular, at the end of the course, students will be able to:

i) demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the concepts underlying the production of food field crops, with particular regard to the quality characteristics of the productions, from raw materials to derived food products and their role in the Mediterranean diet;

ii) apply knowledge and understanding skills with a professional approach, and possess adequate skills to devise and support arguments aimed at evaluating environmental factors and agronomic options able of influencing the food (safety, nutritional and organoleptic) and technological quality of raw materials and products derived from food field crops typical of the Mediterranean environment;

iii) collect and interpret data and information aimed at independently analyzing the processes and effects of the management applied along the production chains of food field crops, critically evaluating any implications of a scientific and ethical nature, as well as identifying methods and tools for the planning and management of quality, under integrated and organic farming;

iiii) communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions relating to topics of interest to the agri-food sector to specialists and non-specialists, using a "supply chain" approach, from farm to table;

iiiii) develop, with specific reference to the discipline topics, learning skills that allow them to continue their university studies in subsequent cycles with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

Lessons (21 hours). Hands-on activities in the form of individual papers or research, working group, and in-depth seminars (42hours).

If the course will be held in mixed or remote mode, the necessary changes to what was previously stated may be introduced, in order to comply with the planned program reported in the syllabus.

*Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, if the conditions require it.

Information for students with disabilities and/or Learning disorders

To guarantee equal opportunities and in accordance with the current laws, students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on the didactic objectives and specific needs.
It is also possible to contact the CInAP (Center for Active and Participated inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or Learning disorders) of the Department, prof. Giovanna Tropea Garzia and prof. Anna De Angelis.

Detailed Course Content

Introduction to the course: agrosystem and its components (abiotic, merobiotic, biotic); influence of anthropic activity.

Production of food crops: product categories, harvest time, destination. Food supply chains.

The meaning of quality in food production. Role of natural factors (soil, atmosphere, plants) and agronomic management (choice of varieties, crop rotation, fertilization, irrigation, crop protection) on the quantitative and qualitative determinism of production. Progress of plant breeding in increasing the qualitative standards of crop production. Qualitative aspects of conventional and ecocompatible productions (from integrated and organic farming). Safeguard of local agrobiodiversity and its gastronomic valorization.

Role of field crop products in the Mediterranean diet as a source of macronutrients, micronutrients and bioactive substances. Antinutritional components of the products.

Classification of quality characteristics of the products of the main field crops: cereals (wheat, corn, rice, barley, oats, rye) and pseudo-cereals (buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa), grain legumes (broad bean, chickpea, pea) oilseeds (sunflower, sesame, flax). Quality brands.

Textbook Information

1. Baldoni R., Giardini L. (coord.). Coltivazioni erbacee - Cereali e proteaginose. Pàtron Ed.

2. Baldoni R., Giardini L. (coord.). Coltivazioni erbacee - Piante oleifere, da zucchero, da fibra, orticole ed aromatiche. Pàtron Ed.

Lecture notes provided by the teacher (ppt presentations of the lessons, notes on the topics covered).

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1References of food plant biology. Agrosystem and relationships between its components: abiotic, merobiotic, biotic. Effects of anthropogenic action on the agrosystem. Lecture notes by the teacher
2Quantitative-qualitative determinism of food products. Useful product categories, harvest time and destination of the product. The agri-food chains.Lecture notes by the teacher
3Concept of quality of food production. Classification of quality characteristics for food production. Qualitative aspects of conventional and eco-compatible productions (from integrated and organic farming). Lecture notes by the teacher
4Food quality (safety, nutritional, hedonistic). Functional quality. Concept of agri-food chain: traceability. Lecture notes by the teacher
5Role of field crop products in the Mediterranean diet as a source of macronutrients, micronutrients and bioactive substances. Anti-nutritional components of products.Lecture notes by the teacher
6Quality of use and service (shelf life, convenience, commercial and regulatory aspects) and factors  affecting them. The quality marks. Technological quality and factors that condition it.Lecture notes by the teacher
7Role of natural factors (atmosphere, soil and crops) on the quantitative-qualitative determinism of crop production.Lecture notes by the teacher
8Role of agronomic management (choice of variety, crop rotation, fertilization, irrigation, Crop protection) on the quantitative and qualitative determinism of crop production. Progress of plant breeding in increasing the quality standards of plant products. Safeguarding local agrobiodiversity and its gastronomic exploitation. Lecture notes by the teacher
9The quality characteristics of cereal  (wheat, corn, rice, barley, oats, rye) and pseudo-cereals (buckwheat, amaranth, quinoa products.Book 1Lecture notes by the teacher
10The quality characteristics of grain legume products (broad bean, lentil, bean, chickpea, pea).Book 1Lecture notes by the teacher
11The quality characteristics of oilseed products (sunflower, sesame, flax).Book 2Lecture notes by the teacher

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam.

In particular, the achievement of the learning outcomes will be ascertained through an oral discussion with the student, during which the performance will be assessed in terms of the level of preparation achieved on the subjects of the discipline, argumentative and synthesis skills, clarity and language properties, with specific reference to technical terminology, as well as interdisciplinary connection skills and the degree of in-depth analysis. Verification of learning can also be done electronically, if the conditions require it. The evaluation will be expressed according to the following scale:


i) insufficient performance (<18). The student shows incomplete and superficial knowledge of the subjects of the discipline and lack of argumentative skills, does not express itself clearly and appropriately;

ii) sufficient performance (18 ÷ 20/30). The student has understood and demonstrates to know, albeit generically, the topics of the discipline, possesses satisfactory argumentative and expository skills, and language properties;

iii) fair performance (21 ÷ 23/30). The student shows a fairly good understanding and knowledge of the subjects of the discipline, as well as fairly good argumentative and expository skills and language properties;

iiii) good performance (24 ÷ 26/30). The student shows a good understanding and knowledge of the topics of the discipline, as well as good argumentative and expository skills and language properties,

iiiii) optimal performance (27 ÷ 29/30) The student shows an optimal degree of understanding and knowledge of the subjects of the discipline, as well as optimal argumentative skills and interdisciplinary connection, optimal analytical and synthesis skills, clarity and language properties;

iiiiii) excellent performance (30/30 ÷ 30/30 cum laude) The student shows full mastery of the subjects of the discipline, as well as excellent argumentative skills and interdisciplinary connection, clarity and confidence in presentation and language properties. Honors are given to the particularly deserving student, who will have shown specific interest in the topics of the discipline attested by a high degree of in-depth study.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1 Concept of product quality


2 Factors that influence the quality of products


3 Nutritional quality of durum wheat