Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Vera Teresa FOTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Teaching aims to deepen knowledge of the economic aspects of quality in relation to the changing demand for food products and the public and private instruments that guarantee that quality.

Knowledge and Understanding

Ability to identify and understand the role played by the quality of agrifood production in the light of the evolution of consumer behavior, the structure of food patterns, changes in agrifood supply chains and public and private regulatory interventions attributable to it.

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding

Ability to apply the knowledge acquired on the various aspects of the quality of agri-food production, quality certifications and standards, and tools for the enhancement of agri-food quality useful for the creation of value for companies operating in the sector and for the entire agri-food system.

Autonomy of Judgment

Students at the end of the course will be able to critically interpret and evaluate current trends within the agrifood system with particular reference to the issue of quality.

Communication Skills

Based on the knowledge acquired during the course, students will be able to improve their ability to expound content, information and ideas using appropriate technical language.

Learning Skills

At the end of the course, through the knowledge acquired, students will develop those learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent specialized studies, with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

The course is structured in 56 hours including 28 hours of lectures and 28 hours of exercises.

Course topics will be covered with the help of Power Point presentations, films, classroom exercises, use of texts and scientific journal articles.

If the teaching is given in a blended or distance learning mode, the necessary variations from what has been stated above may be introduced in order to comply with the syllabus provided and given in the syllabus.

Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), contact teachers in our Department.

Required Prerequisites

basic knowledge of economics

Attendance of Lessons

The attendance of courses is not obligatory, however it is strongly recommended as it facilitates the learning path and the evaluation of the student's achievement.

Detailed Course Content

Quality: the concept's origins. The role of quality in the agri-food sector. Evolution of the agri-food system. Quality in economic theory. The markets for differentiated products: consumer and producer behaviour in the context of information asymmetry. The policies adopted to promote the quality of agri-food products. The instruments for the protection and enhancement of quality in the agri-food sector.

Textbook Information

1.Belletti G., Marescotti A. La qualità nel sistema agro-alimentare, Dispense, Università di
2. Belletti G., Marescotti A. 1996. Le nuove tendenze dei consumi”, in: Berni P., Begalli D.
(a cura di), I prodotti agroalimentari di qualità: organizzazione del sistema delle
imprese, Il Mulino, Bologna.
3. Gabriele Canali. 2010. Verso una politica Ue della qualità agroalimentare. Quali
strumenti per la competitività?, Working paper.
4. Carbone A. I mercati dei prodotti agroalimentari di qualità, Dispense. Università della
5. ISMEA. 2006. La qualità come strategia per l’agroalimentare italiano.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1General overview of the course Professor's materials
2Definition of quality and its conceptual evolutionProfessor's materials
3Quality and agri-food systemProfessor's materials
4Characteristics of the agrifood system and its evolutionProfessor's materials
5Food wasteProfessor's materials
6Italian SoundingProfessor's materials
7Evolution of demand for agrifood productsBook 2: pag. 1-13
8The quality attributes of agri-food productsBook 1: pag. 2-13
9Quality in economic theoryProfessor's materials, Book 1:pag. 13-21
10Differentiated product markets and the role of informationBook 3: pag.9-16
11The function of quality signs in the agrifood systemBook 4: pag. 2-16
12Regulatory tools for a quality policy for agri-food productsBook 3: pag. 17-21
13The public operator and quality: objectives and protected aspectsBook 1: pag. 22-27
14The tools of quality protection and enhancementBook 5: pag. 11-13
15Geographical indications (PGI, PDO and AS)Book 4: pag. 16-2; Testo 5: pag. 19-23
16The labeling of food productsProfessor's materials
17Organic farmingProfessor's materials

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Verification of learning for the achievement of the learning objectives will take place through an in itinere test and a final oral interview.

Evaluation of the student's preparation will be based on the following criteria: the student's ability to learn and level of in-depth study of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.

Grading will follow the following pattern:


Subject knowledge and understanding: Significant deficiencies. Significant inaccuracies

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize

Use of references: Completely inappropriate


Subject knowledge and understanding: At threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Barely sufficient ability

Use of references: Barely appropriate


Knowledge and understanding topic: Routine knowledge Ability to analyze and synthesize: Is able to analyze and synthesize correctly. Argues logically and coherently

Use of references: Uses standard references


Subject knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are expressed consistently

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding topic: Knowledge more than good

Analytical and synthesis skills: Has considerable analytical and synthesis skills

Use of references: Has deepened understanding of topics


Knowledge and understanding topic: Knowledge very good

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Has considerable ability to analyze and synthesize.

Use of references: Important insights.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1      The Candidate illustrate the characteristics of the quality of agrifood products in the light of the developments that have characterized the agrifood system in its various components.

2        The Candidate illustrate the role of information in the context of differentiated product markets.

3        The Candidate illustrate the role of quality signs in the agrifood system.

4          The Candidate illustrate the main instruments of protection for the quality of agri-food products..