Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year- General Microbiology: Cristina Restuccia
- Genetic of microrganisms: Cinzia Caggia
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 70 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
- General Microbiology
To acquire basic knowledge of microbiology oriented toward agricultural and food sector, through the study of microbial morphology, physiology and taxonomy, the study of the interactions of microorganisms among themselves, with other living organisms and with the environment, of principles and techniques of microbial cultivation and control. The laboratory activities aim at the acquisition of competences and expertise for working in a microbiology laboratory.
- Genetic of microrganisms
To increase the knowledge on the biology of microrganisms through the study of correlations among the intrinsic characteristics of a food, the effects of the production process and the factors affetting the food related microrganisms growth.
Course Structure
- General Microbiology
Face-to-face lectures and exercise sessions in the laboratory
- Genetic of microrganisms
Face to face lesson and pratical laboratory.
Detailed Course Content
- General Microbiology
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes: cell structures and functions. Elements of virology. Cell division and microbial growth. Environmental factors affecting the microbial growth. Microbiological techniques: optic and electronic microscopy. Microbial control by physical and chemical agents. Nutrition, laboratory cultures and microbial metabolism. Microbial taxonomy. Viruses. Microrganisms of agronomic, food and environmental interest.
- Genetic of microrganisms
Acquire the knowledge necessary for understanding factors that affect the development of microrganismi in food in order to conduct the implementation of HACCP system, to apply GMPs and to mange microbiological risks.
Textbook Information
- General Microbiology
1. Biavati B., Sorlini C. Microbiologia generale e agraria. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.Seconda edizione
2. Madigan, Martinko, Bender, Buckley, Stahl. BROCK Biologia dei microrganismi. Quattordicesima edizione. Pearson.
- Genetic of microrganisms
Students can consult any text in the field, therefore the following books are reccomaded:
Testo 1: “Microbiologia degli Alimenti”. JM Jay, MJ Loessner, DA, Golden. Sprinter. ISBN 978-88-470-0785-7
Testo 2: “Microbiologia degli Alimenti” A Galli Volonterio, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana ISBN 88-408-1321-7
Testo 3: “La Microbiologia Applicata alle Industrie Alimentari” L Cocolin, G Comi. Aracne Editrice. ISBN 978-88-548-1109-6