Academic Year 2021/2022 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 12
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 56 hours
Exercise: 56 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives


    To provide the knowledge to evaluate and to exploit wild and cultivated species of interest as vegetables grown in Sicily to use for preparing typical dishes. Will be analyzed the health traits of vegetable produce. To know the several health compounds of different vegetable produce and the cultivar/genotypes of interest for their high biosynthesis of nutraceuticals. To Improve the knowledge related to the good practices for producing and for processing traditional vegetable produce. We will analysed the quality traits of vegetable produce in view to use them for processing.


    To provide students with information on the main Products of Animal Origin, with first of all their origin and the production systems with which they are obtained. The hope is to provide critical elements that allow the student to evaluate the product not only in terms of its intrinsic characteristics (technological, hygienic-sanitary parameters, HACCP .....), but above all with respect to the origin, the agriculture system implemented (sustainable vs industrial), as well as with respect to transformation systems (traditional vs industrial) Provide information on the effects of production systems, on the quality of products (nutritional, aromatic and health properties), on consumer health and on the environment. Present the results of international research on systems that can guarantee the food safety of products obtained with traditional and eco-sustainable systems. Propose models for the enhancement of products of animal origin, obtained with different production and processing systems, as well as the main results of research on consumer behavior with respect to the criteria for choosing products of animal origin in the points of sale.

Course Structure


    The structure of the course is articulated by lecture related to vegetable crops, producce quality and innovation, and pratical exercise in fields and in laborarory.

    The students will be evaluated by oral test on the topics of the course and by a power point presentation on one topic individuated with the teacher.

    Is suggested to interact with the teacher during the course leactures and the lab exercises.

    Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

    Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.


    Lectures, business exercises, assistance to students for lessons that require further study or clarification.

    If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.

    Learning assessment may be done remotely if necessary.

    As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline.
    It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia.

Detailed Course Content


    -Course introduction;

    -Agro-economic importance;

    -Classification of species of interest as vegetable;

    -Planting and growing techniques of interest for increasing quality;

    -Quality of vegetable produce;

    -Principali composti nutraceutici delle produzioni orticole tradizionali;

    - Potenzialità e criticità delle filiere dei prodotti tradizionali orticoli

    • Introduction to the course and knowledge of the students' backgrounds.
    • Overview of the main products of animal origin.
    • European regulations on products of animal origin.
    • Analysis of the different farming systems (extensive vs intensive).
    • Analysis of the different transformation systems (traditional vs industrial).
    • The factors of bio-diversity characterizing products of animal origin: case studies on dairy products.
    • Classification and knowledge of dairy products, meat, and “animals of life".
    • Quality of the main products of animal origin obtained with traditional vs industrial systems.
    • Food safety of products of animal origin obtained with different systems production.
    • Aromatic components of products of animal origin obtained with different systems of production.
    • Life animals (milk and meat) as a product of animal origin, and hints on the different systems of
    • Genetic improvement and technological innovations used for the diffusion of these products.
    • System traceability.
    • Valorization models of products of animal origin, obtained with different systems of production.
    • Development perspectives for products of animal origin.

Textbook Information


    Bianco V.V., Pimpini, F., 1990. Orticoltura. Patron Editore, Bologna

    Marzi V., De Mastro G. 2008. Piante Officinali. Mario Adda Editore, Bari

    Cappelli P., Vannucchi V., 2005. Chimica degli alimenti. Zanichelli, Bologna

    AA. VV., 2009. Piante officinali in Sicilia: studio agronomico, fitochimico e farmacologico mirato alla loro valorizzazione e allo sfruttamento agro-industriale. Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste Regione Sicilia

    Lodi, G., Piante officinali italiane. Edizioni Agricole, Bologna

    Catione P., Marotti M.,Toderi G., Tetenyi P., 1986. Coltivazione delle piante Medicinali e aromatiche. Patron Editore Bologna

    Bonciarelli F., 2000. Agronomia. Edagricole

    Articles and presentations provided by the teacher.


    1. Bittante G et al, 2006 /2013. Tecniche di produzione Animale. Liviana Editrice

    2. G.Licitra. 2006. I Formaggi Storici Siciliani (F.S.S.). Ed. CoRFiLaC

    3. G.Licitra 2006, Tradizione e Sicurezza Alimentare dei F.S.S . Ed. CoRFiLaC;

    4. G. Licitra 2017, Putìe. I prodotti lattiero-caseari nei banconi espositivi dei punti vendita in Sicilia. Attualità e prospettive per i prodotti caseari storici siciliani. Ed. Università di Catania.

    5. European regulations on products of animal origin

    6. Monographs on the quality of meat

    7. Scientific papers and popular works of interest to the subject

    8. PDF lectures and notes from the teacher.

    9. Recommended reading:

    Vandana Shiva, 2015. Chi Nutrirà il Mondo? Manifesto per il Cibo del Terzo Millennio. Ed.Feltrinelli.

    Vandana Shiva, 2019. Il pianeta di tutti. Come il Capitalismo ha colonizzato la terra. Ed.Feltrinelli.

    Baldoni Mauro, 2017. Il Pianeta Mangiato. La guerra dell’Agricoltura contro la Terra. Ed. Dissensi.

    Brusset Christophe, 2015. Siete Pazzi a Mangiarlo! Un manager dell’industria alimentare svela cosa finisce davvero sulla nostra Tavola. E spiega come difendersi. Ed. PIEMME;

    Brusset Christophe, 2018. E Allora Cosa Mangio? Un insider dell’industria alimentare una guida di sopravvivenza ai pericoli del supermercato. Ed. PIEMME;