Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Gabriella CIRVILLERI

Expected Learning Outcomes

a. Knowledge and understanding: the course aims to provide students with basic knowledge on the main biotic and abiotic alterations of post-harvest plant products, on their identification and diagnosis and on the control and prevention of contamination by phytopathogens and mycotoxins affecting quality and the quantity of vegetables post-harvest and in storage.

b. Applied knowledge and understanding: through the acquisition of knowledge on the main biotic and abiotic alterations, on the most up-to-date biological and integrated diagnosis and control methodologies, the student will acquire the ability to plan the most appropriate strategies to be used in post-harvest

c. Autonomy of judgment: through attendance of lectures, exercises and seminars, students will acquire full autonomy in choosing the most effective and up-to-date post-harvest disease prevention and control strategies

d. Communication skills: reading scientific articles, participation in seminars, in-depth study of specific themes through group activities and the presentation of the results obtained will allow students to develop correct technical-scientific terminology in the field of postharvest plant pathology, and an adequate ability to explain the topics learned.

e. Ability to learn: the course will contribute to the development of the ability to understand and critically analyze the topics both through group work and independently, to the analysis of scientific results and to the preparation of the thesis, thus preparing the student for its future activity in the field of technical consultancy in the agri-food sector.

Course Structure

The course is carried out through lectures and exercises in the classroom and in the laboratory. Discussions on case studies are also planned. If the conditions require it, the lessons will be held online, and the exercises and field visits will be replaced by exercises and technical visits online.

Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA. As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contact of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the person of professor Anna De Angelis.

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of microbiology and plant biology

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not compulsory, but it is strongly recommended Attendance at lessons is not mandatory to take the exam.

Detailed Course Content

Classification of plant diseases; general information on plant pathogens; disease cycle; host-pathogen interaction; traditional and molecular diagnostic methods; physical means, chemical means, biological means for post-harvest disease control; main rots caused by post-harvest fungi and phytopathogenic bacteria; main abiotic diseases in post-harvest; mycotoxins: toxigenic fungi and their epidemiology; main mycotoxins; prevention and control against mycotoxigenic fungi; case studies.

Textbook Information

Testo 1: De Cicco V., Bertolini P., Salerno M.G. Patologia post-raccolta dei prodotti vegetali. Piccin Editore, 274 pp.

Testo 2: Vannacci et al., 2021. Patologia vegetale. EdiSES Edizioni S.r.l., Napoli


Scientific articles provided by the teacher

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Introduction: concept of disease; symptoms and classification of diseases; general information on plant pathogens; disease cycle  Testo 2 Materiale fornito dal docente
2Host-pathogen interaction in fungal and bacterial diseases: pathogen attack mechanisms, host resistance mechanismsTesto 2 Materiale fornito dal docente
3Diagnosis of diseases: the diagnostic procedure, traditional and molecular diagnostic methods.Testo 2 Materiale fornito dal docente
4Principles of control against post-harvest plant diseases: physical means, chemical means, biological means, integrated pest controlTesto 1 Materiale fornito dal docente
5Fungal diseases: main post-harvest rots Testo 1-2  Materiale fornito dal docente
6Bacterial diseases: main post-harvest bacterial diseases Testo 1-2  Materiale fornito dal docente
7Main post-harvest abiotic diseasesTesto 1 Materiale fornito dal docente
8Mycotoxins: toxigenic fungi and their epidemiology, main mycotoxins, prevention and control against fungi mycotoxigens, case studies.Testo 1-2 Materiale fornito dal docente
9Laboratory activities   Materiale fornito dal docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam consists of an individual oral interview and tests the ability to reason and connect the knowledges acquired. Elements of evaluation will be the relevance of the answers to the questions asked, the quality of the contents, the ability to connect with other topics covered by the program, the ability to provide examples, the ownership of technical language and the overall expressive ability of the student.

The marks assigned will follow the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Important shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize.

Use of references: Completely inappropriate.



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections.

Analysis and synthesis skills: Just enough skills.

Use of references: As appropriate.



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge.

Analysis and synthesis skills: Correct analysis and synthesis, with logical and coherent argumentation skills.

Use of references: Use of standard references.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Good, with arguments expressed consistently.

Use of references: Use of standard references.



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: More than good.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.

Use of references: In-depth



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Remarkable.

Use of references: Important insights.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1) The main characteristics of plant pathogens and diseases of abiotic etiology

2) Diagnosis methods that can be used to recognize the etiology of a disease of post-harvest vegetables

3) Methods of chemical and biological control of phytopathogens that can be used in post-harvest

4) The main post-harvest plant diseases (by supply chain e.g. wine, citrus etc.)

5) Micotoxigenic fungi and their epidemiology; main mycotoxins; prevention and fight against mycotoxigenic fungi