Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year
Teaching Staff: Misael Mongiovi'
Credit Value: 3
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 14 hours
Exercise: 14 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Learn abilities and skills on the use of computer systems, mainly referring to word processing, spreadsheets and CAD.

Course Structure

Lectures and exercises in computer laboratory, even on-line. If the class is given in mixed or remote mode, specific changes to the program may need to be made.

Detailed Course Content

First principles of computer science: principles of information theory, number systems, coding and representing information. Hardware and Software. Operating systems (Windows) an application software. Word processing: main features of MS Word: tables and drawings. Advanced features: table of contents, bibliography, cross-references. Spreadsheets: main features of MS Excel: handles, formulae, conditional formatting, graphs. Main features of Autocad.

Textbook Information

1) Word 2016 - Pocket Edimatica. Apogeo, 2015.
2) Excel 2016 - Pocket Edimatica. Apogeo, 2015.
3) Luigi Santapaga, Matteo Trasi. Autocad 2015 pocket. Apogeo, 2014