Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year - Curriculum ALIMENTI E SALUTE and Curriculum VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI
Teaching Staff: Cosimo Gianluca Fortuna
Credit Value: 6
Taught classes: 40 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

Give to the student the bases for the interpretation of the main phenomena that govern biological systems. Show the link between organic chemistry and some key areas, such as food, biotechnology and the environment.Provide the knowledge on the methodologies used in research laboratories and control.

Basic knowledge of organic chemistry and the mechanisms that govern it. Knowledge of the properties of the organic molecules based on their structure; transformation of the functional groups and of simple synthetic transformations. Basic knowledge (molecular) of biomolecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, peptides, proteins and nucleic acids

Detailed Course Content

  1. An introduction to structure and bonding in organic chemistry
  2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  3. Stereochemistry: chirality; enantiomers;stereocenters; optical activity
  4. Alkenes: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  5. Alkynes: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  6. Aromatic compounds: : structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  7. Heterocyclic: Huckel rule; nomenclature
  8. Alo-compounds: SN1 and SN2; E1 and E2; structure and nomenclature
  9. Alcoholos, Ethers and Phenol: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  10. Aldehydes and Ketones: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and addition reaction
  11. Carboxylic acid and their derivatives: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and nucleophilic substitution reaction
  12. Amines: structure; nomenclature; synthesis and reaction
  13. Carbohydrates
  14. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins

Textbook Information

1. T W Graham Solomons, Craig B Fryhle “Chimica organica”, Zanichelli

2. B. Botta “Chimica Organica, Edi-Ermes

3. W. H. Brown “Chimica Organica”, Edises