Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Valeria SORRENTI

Expected Learning Outcomes

1) Knowledge and understanding: The aim of the course is to provide the student with the elements necessary to understand the biochemical mechanisms underlying the digestion, intake, distribution and processing of nutrients in human metabolism and its regulation.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: the course aims to delve into the biochemical processes involved in the health effects of some foods so that the student is able to apply the knowledge acquired to devise and support arguments relating to the nutritional and health value of foods.

3) autonomy of judgement: the teaching aims to provide the ability to collect and interpret data deemed useful to determine autonomous judgments

 4) communication skills: the teaching activities carried out with frontal lessons will also be useful in stimulating a debate among students so that they are able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors

5) learning skills: teaching aims to develop students' learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy

Course Structure

Face-to-face lessons (42 hours).Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Information for students with disabilities and/or DSA.
As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professor Anna De Angelis

Required Prerequisites

Basics of Biochemistry

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance, while not mandatory, is strongly recommended

Detailed Course Content

Food and human nutrition .

-The Need of energy :Energy Function of food, Hints of Bioenergetics

-Vitamins and minerals in food.

-Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

-Digestion and absorption of lipids.

-Digestion and absorption of proteins.

-Metabolic fate of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in food .

-Nutritional considerations on the metabolism of carbohydrates .

-Nutritional considerations on lipid metabolism .

-Nutritional considerations on protein metabolism .

-Signal transduction

-Metabolic integration of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins; metabolic regulation in the feeding- fasting cycle

-Nutrition and health:

• Free radicals and oxidative stress; Food as a source of antioxidants

• Nutrigenomics

Textbook Information

1. G. Arienti.Le basi molecolari della nutrizione. Ed. PICCIN

2. U. Leuzzi, E. Bellocco, D. Barreca.Biochimica della nutrizione. Ed. ZANICHELLI

3.  D. Voet, J. G. Voet, C. W. Pratt Principi di biochimica. Ed. ZANICHELLI

4. C. Pignatti- Biochimica della nutrizione- Società Editrice ESCULAPIO


Oral interview to verify the achievement of the training objectives. The relevance of the answers to the questions asked, the level of depth of the topic, and the ability to connect between the different topics covered by the program will constitute elements of evaluation. Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

Information for students with disabilities and/or SLD:

To guarantee equal opportunities and in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can request a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and / or dispensative measures, based on educational objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the CInAP referent teachers (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or DSA) of our Department, prof.Giovanna Tropea Garzia and prof. Anna De Angelis

Metabolic fate of sugars
Exogenous antioxidants: Lycopene
Food induced thermogenesis
Microelements: Iron
Dietary regimes: Mediterranean diet

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Alimenti nella nutrizione umanaTesto 2; materiale fornito a lezione
2Il Bisogno di energia: Funzione energetica degli alimenti, cenni di BioenergeticaTesto 2; Materiale fornito a lezione
3Vitamine e Sali minerali nell’alimentazioneTesto 1;Testo 2; materiale fornito a lezione
4Digestione e assorbimento di glucidiTesto1;Testo2; Testo3;Testo 4; materiale fornito a lezione
5Digestione e assorbimento dei lipidiTesto1;Testo2; Testo3;Testo 4; materiale fornito a lezione
6Digestione e assorbimento dei protidiTesto1;Testo2; Testo3;Testo 4; materiale fornito a lezione
7Destino metabolico di glucidi, lipidi e proteine contenuti negli alimentiTesto1;Testo2; materiale fornito a lezione
8Considerazioni nutrizionali sul metabolismo dei glucidiTesto 1; materiale fornito a lezione
9Considerazioni nutrizionali sul metabolismo dei lipidiTesto 1; materiale fornito a lezione
10Considerazioni nutrizionali sul metabolismo dei protidiTesto 1; materiale fornito a lezione
11Trasduzione del segnaleTesto3;materiale fornito a lezione
12Integrazione metabolica di glucidi, lipidi e proteine: regolazione metabolica nel ciclo alimentazione-digiunoTesto2; Testo3;materiale fornito a lezione
13Alimentazione e salute: Radicali liberi e stress ossidativo; Alimenti come fonte di antiossidanti; Nutrigenomica Testo 1; Testo 2; materiale fornito a lezione

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral interview to verify the achievement of the training objectives. The relevance of the answers to the questions asked, the level of depth of the topic, and the ability to connect between the different topics covered by the program will constitute elements of evaluation.

The vote follows the following scheme:


Significant deficiencies in knowledge and understanding of the topics.Inability to analyze and synthesize. Obvious imperfections.


Minimum knowledge and understanding of the topics. Frequent generalizations.Just enough capacity for analysis and synthesis.


Fair knowledge and understanding of the topics. Fair ability to analyze and synthesize. Ability to argue in a logical and coherent way


Good knowledge and understanding of the topics. Good analysis and synthesis skills. Ability to argue in a logical and coherent way


More than good knowledge and understanding of the topics. Remarkable skills of analysis and synthesis. The arguments have been adequately investigated


Excellent knowledge and understanding of the topics.Remarkable skills of analysis and synthesis. The topics were significantly investigated

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Metabolic fate of sugars

Exogenous antioxidants: Lycopene

Food induced thermogenesis

Microelements: Iron

Dietary regimes: Mediterranean diet