Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff Credit Value: 13
Taught classes: 77 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

  • Postharvest Pathology of Plant Products

    Knowledge on principal biotic and abiotic diseases and mycotoxin contaminations, particularly referred to post-harvest, diseases diagnosis, epidemiology and control principles

  • Stored food pests

    To provide the knowledge on bioethological of stored food pest in order to develop the most appropriate programs of integrated pest management in food industries.

Detailed Course Content

  • Postharvest Pathology of Plant Products

    The course provides students with the necessary tools for the diagnosis of principal biotic and abiotic diseases and mycotoxin contaminations vitiating the quality and quantity of vegetable in post-harvest and storage as well as the criteria and control methods for their prevention foreseen in post-harvest

  • Stored food pests

    Arthropods: general characteristics. Insects: morphology, anatomy and biology

    Mites: morphology, anatomy and biology.

    Rodents: general characteristics, morphology, anatomy and biology.

    Birds: general characteristics and damage caused.

    The main orders and species of insects harmful in food industries

    Mites harmful in food industries

    Rodents harmful in food industries

    Ecology of infesting animals

    Animal organisms as vectors of pathogens to humans and pets

    Prevent infestations


    Methods of analysis for infestation detection the evaluation of solid impurities in foods

    Control with physical, biological, biotechnological and chemical methods. Integrated Pest management

Textbook Information

  • Postharvest Pathology of Plant Products

    The teacher will provide all necessary, also by STUDIUM platform, to study covered topics. The student can consult any of the text field, for the study of the discipline we recommend the following books:

    • Book 1: De Cicco V., Bertolini P., Salerno M.G. Patologia post-raccolta dei prodotti vegetali. Piccin Editore, 274 pp.
    • Book 2: Belli G. Elementi di patologia vegetale. Piccin Editore, 475 pp.
    • Teacher notes, papers and monographies
  • Stored food pests

    1. Trematerra P. - Süss L. 2007. Prontuario di entomologia merceologica e urbana. Con note morfologiche, biologiche e di gestione delle infestazioni. Aracne Editrice, (ISBN: 978-88-548-1195-9)

    2. Trematerra P. 2016 Entomologia urbana applicata. Aracne Editrice, (ISBN: 978-88-548-9143-2)