Academic Year 2016/2017 - 3° Year
Teaching Staff: Elena Arena
Credit Value: 7
Taught classes: 32 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The aims of the course is to give to students the basics notions on the risks and the role of a laboratory of chemical and physical analysis of food. In particular, at the end of the course, the student will be able to choose the appropriate analytical methods, to prepare the sample, to carry out the analysis and to perform stoichiometry calculations and to understand the obtained results by comparing them with legal limits and /or quality parameters. The aims of the course is to give to students the basics notions on the food formulation.

Detailed Course Content

The aims of the course is to give to students the basics notions on the risks and the role of a laboratory of chemical and physical analysis of food. In particular, at the end of the course, the student will be able to choose the appropriate analytical methods, to prepare the sample, to carry out the analysis and to perform stoichiometry calculations and to understand the obtained results by comparing them with legal limits and /or quality parameters. Role of the ingredients in the food formulation. Optimization of the quality parameters for baking products.

Textbook Information

  1. Cabras P., Tuberoso C.I.G. Analisi dei prodotti alimentari. Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.a., 2013.
  2. Mannino S., Bianco M.G. Esercitazioni di analisi chimica dei prodotti alimentari Edizioni Tecnos s.r.l., 1996.
  3. Reg UE 1169/2011
  4. Reg UE 1129/2011
  5. Autori vari. Impiego di oli e grassi nella formulazione dei prodotti da forno. Area science park 2003.