Academic Year 2015/2016 - 1° Year - Curriculum ALIMENTI E SALUTE and Curriculum VALORIZZAZIONE DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI- Physics: Giorgio Concetto Bellia
- Mechanics and Machinery: Emanuele Cerruto
Taught classes: 72 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Detailed Course Content
- Physics
1. Introduction
State of a physical system and physically significant quantities - the measurement of physical quantities and measurement errors - measurement unit - dimensional equations - scalar and vectors - elements of vector algebra - graphical representation of physical laws.2 - Mechanics
Description of the motion of a body - reference systems - principle of inertia - second law of dynamics - the third law of motion - conservation of momentum - fields of force - work of a force - kinetic energy theorem - conservative fields - potential - conservation of mechanical energy - moment of forces - conservation of angular momentum.3 - Fluid Mechanics
Fluid properties - fluid statics: laws of Pascal, Stevin and Archimedes - ideal fluids and Bernoulli's theorem - laminar of a viscous fluid motion: law of Poiseuille - turbulent flow - sedimentation - surface phenomena: Laplace law and phenomena of capillarity - diffusion of solutes - law of Fick - osmosis.4 - Electromagnetic Phenomena
Electric charge - electrostatic field - Gauss' theorem and its applications - capacitors - dielectric - polarization of the dielectric - Electrical currents in conductors and in electrolytes - law of Faraday - magnetic induction - Ampere's law - magnetic field in matter - electromotive force induced - Lenz's law - Maxwell's equations - electromagnetic waves.5 - Wave phenomena
Free mechanical vibrations - energy of a harmonic oscillator - waves progressive harmonics - longitudinal and transverse waves - plane waves and spherical waves - waves monochrome - Fourier analysis - Doppler effect - principle of Huygens - the sound and its characteristics - physics of the ear - ultrasound.6 - Elements of optical
Reflection and refraction - Snell's Law - approximation of geometrical optics - spherical diopter - thin lenses - geometric building image - microscope - physical optics - coherent sources - interference - diffraction - diffraction grating - resolving power of an optical instrument - polarization.7 - Elements of modern physics and radiation (outline)
Photons - relation of Planck - duality wave-corpuscolo- diffraction of electrons - dncertainty principle. elements of atomic structure - interaction of radiation with matter - laws Lambert and Beer - spectroscopy - X-ray - structure of the atomic nucleus - radioactivity and the law of radioactive decay - biological effects of radiation - dosimetry and radiation protection of workers. - Mechanics and Machinery
Fundamentals of mechanics: International System of Units (SI); forces applied to the machines; mechanical work; friction: sources and remedies; efficiency; basics on power transmission systems.
Applied thermodynamics (thermodynamic system, first and second law of thermodynamic, thermodynamic diagrams); heat transmission in steady state condition (conduction, convection, radiation); gases and vapours (quality, use of table of water vapour); moist air properties (humidity, enthalpy, psychrometric charts).
Basic machinery in agro industrial plants: heat exchanger (equi- and counter-flow, sizing), pumps (positive displacement pumps, centrifugal pumps, power pump calculation), compressors, centrifugal separators and extractors, main electrical machines, Otto and Diesel internal combustion engines, refrigeration cycles.
Textbook Information
- Physics
1. J.W. Jewett, R.A. Serway: Pricipi di Fisica, vol I, 5° edizione, EdiSES, Napoli
2. E.Ragozzino: Principi di Fisica, EdiSES, Napoli
3. R.C. Davidson: Metodi matematici per un corso introduttivo di Fisica, EdiSES, Napoli
Student are free to use any text they consider more convenient
- Mechanics and Machinery
1. Anzalone G., Bassignana P., Brafa Musicoro G., Fondamenti di meccanica e macchine, Hoepli.
2. Çengel Y., Termodinamica e trasmissione del calore, Mc GrawHill.
3. Teaching material provided during lectures