Vittoria Catara

Full Professor of Plant pathology [AGRI-05/B]
Membership Section: Plant Pathology

*Current position: Associate professor in Plant Pathology (since 2006), Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e

Ambiente (Di3A), Università degli Studi di Catania (UniCT), Italy.

*Education and qualification:

- ASN - Italian Academic Qualification as Full professor in Plant pathology (ASN 2012; ASN 2016)

- PhD in Plant Pathology, University of Bari, Italy (1995).

- Master degree (5 years) in Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Catania, Italy (1989).

*Affiliation to academies of recognized prestige:

- 2019 Accademia dei Georgofili. Accademico Aggregato

*Main research activities and responsibilities:

- Research activity 1990- present, Plant pathology section at DISTEF (now Di3A) UniCT, Italy. She coordinates a research group involved in plant associated bacteria studies. Past and current research activity: molecular techniquesfor the diagnosis of plant pathogens including fastidious bacteria; phenotypic and genomic characterization of bacteria and fungi; evaluation of plant resistance; characterization and application of biocontrol agents; molecular aspect of polyhydroxyalkanoates production in bacteria; Quorum sensing in Pseudomonas spp.; molecular plant bacteria interaction; genomics of Pseudomonas spp. Plant microbiome studies.

- Member of the Committee on Plant Health Emergencies, Servizio Fitosanitario Regione Sicilia (2021-present).

- Coordinator, Master in Science in “Agricultural Biotechnology”, Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente (Di3A), UniCT (2016 - 2022).

- Vice Chair of the Management committee, COST action 16170 EuroXanth: Integrating science on

Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe (2017- 2021).

- Board Member, Italian Phytopathological Society (2017-2019).

- Scientific responsible of a Phytobacteriology Diagnostic laboratory in National and International ring tests on quarantine bacteria (Acknowledged by Servizio Fitosanitario Regione Sicilia).

- Responsible at Di3A-UniCT for the laboratory acknowledged for Xyella fastidiosa first level analysis by Sicilian Plant Protection Service, Regione siciliana.

- 30 invited seminars (scientific or informative).

- Active collaboration with Eu and USA Scientists for studies on plant-associated bacteria and with China for studies on Citrus disease caused by bacteria.

- Member of the International Citrus Microbiome (Phytobiome) Consortium. (

*Conference committees:

- Scientific committee: 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (ICPPB2020), Assisi, Italia’ (2022).

- Scientific committee: 4tth Annual Conference on “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe” 2021 Belgrade, Serbia.

- Convenor of the Extended Core Group Meeting of the midterm, EuroXanth COST Action “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe Di3A, UniCT Catania, Italy, 25-27 February 2019.

- Scientific committee XXV Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Patologia vegetale. Milano 15-18 settembre 2019.

- Scientific committee: 3rd Annual Conference of the EuroXanth COST Action “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe” Lednice, Czech Republic, 9 to 11 September 2019.

- Scientific and Organising committee of the 4th International Symposium on Biological Control of Plant Bacterial Diseases ”BIOCONTROL 2019” Viterbo, Italy.

- Scientific committee: 1st Annual Conference on “Integrating science on Xanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe” in Coimbra, Portugal, from 13 to 15 December 2017.

- Organising committee: 60 mo Convegno Società Italiana di Genetica Agraria. Catania 12-16 settembre 2016.

- Organising committee: 6th International Symposium on Brassica and 18th Genetics Workshop "Exploitation of Brassica diversity for improving agriculture chains". Catania 12-16/11/2012.

*Memberships: Italian Society for Plant Pathology, the Italian working group on phytopathogenic bacteria, the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union; Australasian Society for Plant Pathology.

Academic activity

*2003- Present Teaching activity BA and MSc degree courses, UniCT

Agricultural degrees

- 2019-20 – present Plant pathophysiology (BA);

- 2010-11- Present Molecular Plant Pathology (MSs);

- -2018-19 Diagnosis in Plant pathology (BA);

- 2013-14 Postharvest Plant Pathology (BA);

- 2008-09.2009-10 Forest Pathology (BA);

- 2003-04-2007-08 Diseases of ornamental and forest plants (BA);

Chemistry degrees:

- 2005-06/2007-08 Plant pathology (BA);

*Other academic commitments

- 2017- present international Ph.D. in Biotechnology

- 2013-2017 International Ph.D. in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science;

- 2007-2012 Ph.D. in Biotechnology;

- 2004- Present Supervisor of 6 Ph.D. Thesis and several MSc and bachelor thesis at UniCt.

- 2012-2014 Board Member for Associate professors, Department Council, DISPA, UniCT

- 2005-2006 Board Member for researchers, Department Council, DISPA, UniCT

- Member of the Jury for Ph.D student admission and final discussion (National, International).

- Erasmus responsible for

*Project involvement and reviewer:

Project responsibilities

- SIRPA WP2 Responsible Regione Siciliana P.O. FESR SICILIA 2014/2020, Azione 1.1.5. Sviluppo Di Induttori Di Resistenza A Patogeni Vascolari Degli Agrumi (S.I.R.P.A.) Responsabile del WP 2. Sviluppo di un preparato microbico contro il mal secco.

- Research Unit Responsible “Ornamental Rutaceous Plants Xanthomonas campestris subsp. citri Risk Assessment in Mediterranean” Eranet – Arinmet II call 2015 (2016-2019).

- Scientific responsible of the Agreement “Diagnosis of quarantine plant bacterial pathogen” Servizio Fitosanitario Regionale Regione Siciliana (2015-2017; 2018-2019; 2020-2021; 2021-2023).

- Research Unit Responsible "Seed Project of Sicilian Region" Regional Department of Agricultural and Food

Resources, Department of Agriculture, Regione siciliana (2010-2015).

- PON 2007-2013 Technologies and processes for the production of diversely functionalised sheets based on microbial biopolymers and biosurfactants (PolyBioPlast).

- Scientific responsible of the convention “Validation of diagnostic protocol for quarantine bacterial plant

pathogen-ARNADIA” with CRA-PAVEG MIPAF, ARNADIA, leaded by CRA-PAVEG, Rome, MIPAF.

- Research responsible “Genotype and phenotype interaction in phytopathogenic bacteria”,University of Catania (2008).

- Research responsible “Evaluation of pathogenicity factors in tomato-bacteria interaction”, University of Catania, (2007).

- Research responsible “Quorum sensing in Pseudomonas corrugata”, University of Catania (2006).

- Research responsible “Molecular characterization of Pseudomonas corrugata and P. mediterranea strains”, University of Catania (2005).

- PON 2000-2006 " Utilization of waste materials for the development of biodegradable polymers (PHA) on agriculture and agro-industry ".

- Research responsible “Effectors gene in Pseudomonoas corrugata”, British project, CRUI-British Council 2004

- Research responsible "Molecular basis of virulence in Pseudomonas corrugata on tomato", Young researcher project University of Catania (2003).

*Editorial Board participation: 2018 – present senior editor Australian Plant Disease Notes; 2013- present Associate Editor European Journal of Plant Pathology. 2008-2014 Editorial board, Molecular Plant Pathology. 2008-2012 Editorial board journals of the Global Science Book Ltd., Japan (The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology; Pest Technology).


Last edit: 03/20/2024

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

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