Francesco Martinico

Full Professor of Urban and Landscape Planning [CEAR-12/B]

Professor of Town and Regional Planning since November 2017.

Qualified as Full Professor (National Scientific Qualification , art.16 of the n. 240 law , 30 December 2010) since February 2014.

Associate Professor from 2005 to 2017. 

Researcher of Town and Regional Planning at the University of Catania, Faculty of Engineering, from October 2001 to September 2005

He holds a PhD in Urban and Regional planning, from the joint PhD program of the Universities of Palermo, Catania and Reggio Calabria. His thesis was about the planning of industrial areas.
In 1990-1991 he attended a one year educational program as Research Trainee at INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France , with courses from the MBA and the PhD Program.
In 1987 he graduated in Civil Engineering (Magna cum Laude), at the University of Catania Specialization: Architecture and Town Planning, final Dissertation: a Detailed Plan of an historical inner city area.

Last edit: 05/10/2024

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

His main fields of interests are regional planning, management issues related to land use, and the use of Gis in planning. He is author of more than 100 publications (books, books chapters and papers in national and internatonal peer-reviewed journals) on planning related topics. He is currently involved in a national research program about Southern lagging regions. He took part in other research programs on landscape planning, based on an holistic approach that is particularly committed to environmental issues (renewable energies, greenways etc). 

From 1987 he has been involved in several national and international research activities including the following ones: 

- Member of the research team of the Italian National Research Project -  PRIN  2022 PNRR "Restoring Biodiversity as a tool for Climate Change Mitigation"   (project code P20228T8TJ ), financed by the Italian Ministry of Education University and Scientific Research from 2020 to 2023

- Member of the research team of the Italian National Research Project - PRIN 2017 'Regional Policies, Institutions and Cohesion in the South of Italy’ (project code 2017-4BE543), financed by the Italian Ministry of Education University and Scientific Research from 2020 to 2023

- Project leader of Adaptm,  an Erasmus+ program on climate change which includes partners from Egypt, Greece, Lithuania and Slovenia.

 - Consultant for the city of Rosolini Land use Master Plan (2017-current); 

- Consultant for the city of Ragalna Land use Master Plan (2015-2023); 
- Coordinator of the research group for the city of Avola Land use Master Plan (2013-2017); 
- Member of the research team in the EU program SPECIAL (Spatial Planning and Energy for Communities in All Landscapes), co-funded by European Union - Intelligent Energy Europe, (2013-2016); Lead Partner: Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) London. 
- Member of the research team in the EU Interreg IV C Program, Grabs - Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco Towns (2009-2011); Lead Partner: Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) London. 
- Consultant for the city of Catania Land use Master Plan (2008-2012); 
- Member of the National research program team (PRIN) on Tourism and Mobility "ITATOUR Visioni territoriali e nuove mobilità Progetti integrati per il turismo nella città e nell’ambiente” (2008-2010).. 
– Consultant of the Provincial Government of Syracuse (Italy) for the Territorial Plan (from 2005 –to 2011). 
– Consultant of the Regional Agency for Cultural an Landscape Heritage for the landscape Plan of two of the landscape units of the Region (Siracusa and Enna, with a total surface of about 5,000 sqkm),from 2005 to 2005. 
- Member of the research team of the National Research Program “Time and Spatial issues for quality of public spaces”, leaded by the Milan Polytechnic (2001-2002). 
– Coordinator of a research commissioned by the Planning Department of Sicilian Regional Government on land use of industrial estates and commercial activities as part of the new Regional Plan (2002). 
– Coordinator of a research program on innovative planning practices of industrial estates (2001). 
– Participant, as young planner, to ISoCaRP,33rd International Planning Congress in Ogaki (Japan), presenting a paper on land use and town planning practices in areas facing volcanic risks. 
– From 1996 to 1998 he has extensively researched the relationships between physical planning and economic development, paying particular attention to the role of Development Agencies in European Countries. 
– Member of steering committees for several international Seminars and Congresses including the 2016 SIU Società Italiana degli Urbanisti) National Conference, Seminars Summer schools on landscape (2015), local development (2001 and 2000),comparison between French and Italian planning practices in dense cities (1994), planning in seismic risk areas (1993). 
– Research on the morphology of urban fabrics in Catania metropolitan area (1987-88). 
- At CE.RI.S.DI (Centro Ricerche Studi Direzionali), Palermo he conducted a research on the management of cultural heritage in Sicily (1992 -93).