Webinar 20th May and 27th May - S. Kamoun and M. Garbelotto
TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WEBINAR SEND AN E-MAIL TO Santa Olga Cacciola (olgacacciola@unict.it)
- Webinar May 20th, 2020, 3:00 PM
Dr. Sophien Kamoun "Data Sharing and other Open Science Practices"
3:00 PM – Opening Session
Prof. Claudia Arcidiacono - Coordinator of the master's degree
Prof. Santa Olga Cacciola
The webinar will be introduced by Maria Lodovica Gullino
professor of Plant Pathology, University of Turin.
3:15 PM – Lecture
Dr. Sophien Kamoun - Group leader, Sainsbury Laboratory, University of East An-glia, NR4 7UH Norwich, United Kingdom;
5:00 PM – Discussion
Prof. Santa Olga Cacciola - Plant Pathology Professor
Prof. Gaetana Mazzeo - Professor of general and applied Entomology
-Webinar 27th, May, 2020, 4:00-6:00 PM
Dr. Matteo Garbelotto "Understanding invasive forest pathogens"
Ore 4:00 PM – Opening Session
Prof. Santa Olga Cacciola - Patologia vegetale
The webinar will be introduced by Maria Lodovica Gullino
professor of Plant Pathology, University of Turin
Ore 4:15 PM – Lecture
Prof. Matteo Garbellotto Ph.D.
Professor, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Ore 5:45: – Discussion
Dr. Giovani Baldissera - Euphresco network coordinator
Prof. Santa Olga Cacciola - Patologia vegetale
Data di pubblicazione: 14/05/2020
Vai alla scheda della prof.ssa Santa Olga Cacciola