Roberta Selvaggi

Fixed-term Assistant Professor (RTDB) of Agricultural and Food Economics, and Rural Appraisal [AGRI-01/A]

Roberta Selvaggi was born in Catania on February 20, 1989.

She received her high school diploma in Science in 2007, as a natural consequence of a strong predisposition towards scientific disciplines. 

Sensitive to issues such as environmental sustainability and technological innovation, she immediately decided to enroll in the Faculty of Agriculture, choosing a curriculum focused on training technicians for advanced agricultural and agribusiness enterprises. In 2012, she received her master's degree in Agricultural Science and Technology, with a graduation grade of 110 cum Laude.

In February 2021, she became Ph.D. in Agricultural Food and Environmental Science - Cycle XXXIII, discussing the thesis titled "Testing Commitment Costs theory in the purchasing process of Digestate: Empirical evidences from an economic experiment," at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of Catania.

From February 2021 to January 2023, she holds the position of research fellow for the sector 07/A1, scientific sector AGR/01, within the project "DRASTIC - Driving the Italian agri-food system into a circular economy model " funded by the PRIN 2017 program, at the Di3A Department of University of Catania.  Specifically, the title of the research activity was "Driving the olive oil entrepreneurship into a circular economy model".

In January 2022, he obtained the National Scientific Qualification for the positions of university associate professor for the Sector 07/A1 - Agricultural Economics and Valuation.

From March 2023 to June 2024, she was a fixed-term researcher (Type A) in Rural Economics and Estimation sector, engaged in activities under Spoke 5 - Sustainable productivity and mitigation of environmental impact in livestock systems, of the AGRITECH (National Research Centre for Agricultural Technologies) project, at the Di3A Department of University of Catania.

From July 2024 to now, she is a fixed-term researcher (Type B) in Rural Economics and Estimation sector at the Di3A Department of University of Catania.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information