Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIUSEPPE CONSIGLIOExpected Learning Outcomes
The course aims to provide the qualitative and quantitative knowledge of general and organic chemistry, essential to deal with the interpretation of chemical phenomena in the scientific field, as well as the ability to learn how to use the scientific method for the resolution of real problems.
Knowledge and understanding
The student will know the main phenomena of basic chemistry and will be able to understand their applications in the biology field. The student will also learn the ability to understand a scientific text, to re-elaborate, even in an original way, what he/she has studied and to transform and reflect on the knowledge learned.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The student will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to recognize the laws that govern chemical phenomena, to independently solve problems and exercises of different complexity, also in other fields than chemistry.
Making judgement
The student, using the knowledge of chemical phenomena acquired during the course, will be able to independently judge the importance of the results obtained, as well as the meaning of the units of measurement and the order of magnitude of the variables that describe the phenomena.
Communication skills
The student who successfully passes the course will be able to present the knowledge acquired in a clear and accurate way.
Learning skills
The student who has successfully passed the course will have acquired the ability to study independently and to deepen the concepts studied in full independence.
Course Structure
Frontal lectures and exercises on the topics held in the classroom.
Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
1. *Nature of Matter.
2. *Structure of matter.
3. *Chemical bond.
4. *Chemical compounds, nomenclature and chemical reactions.
5. *Thermodynamics and kinetics.
6. *States of aggregation of matter.
7. *Solutions.
8. *Chemical equilibrium.
9. *Electrolytic solutions and ionic equilibria.
10. *Organic chemistry: families of compounds, functional groups and physico-chemical properties.
11. *Stereochemistry.
12. *Biomolecules.
Textbook Information
1. Pietro Tagliatesta, CHIMICA GENERALE E INORGANICA, edi-ermes.
2. Brown, Campbell, Farrel; ELEMENTI DI CHIMICA ORGANICA, Edi-SES.
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | * Nature of matter. | Chapters 2 and 3 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
2 | * Struttura of matter. | Chapter 4 and 5 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
3 | * Chemical bond. | Chapter 6 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
4 | * Chemical compounds, nomenclature and chemical reactions. | Chapters 9 and 10 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
5 | * Termodynamics and kinetics. | Chapters 11 and 16 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
6 | * State of aggregation of matter. | Chapter 7 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
7 | * Solutions. | Chapter 8 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
8 | * Chemical equilibrium. | Chapter 11 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
9 | * Electrolytic solutions and ionic equilibria. | Chapters 13 and 14 of book 1. Lesson notes. |
10 | * Organic chemistry: families of compounds, functional groups and physico-chemical properties. | Book 2. Lesson notes. |
11 | * Stereochemistry. | Book 2. Lesson notes. |
12 | * Biomolecules. | Book 2. Lesson notes. |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Ongoing tests will be scheduled to pass the exam.
If necessary, the final exam consists of a written test.The verification of learning can also be carried out remotely, should the conditions require it. In this case, the duration of the written test could be subject to variations.
There are two ongoing tests, the first in the middle and the second at the end of the course. Each ongoing test consists of a written test, containing theory questions and numerical exercises with stoichiometric calculations. Each question will be assigned the indicated score. The ongoing test is considered passed if the score obtained is between 18 and 30 (expressed out of thirty). The average of the marks obtained in the two ongoing tests will be the final mark and, if between 18 and 30, will give the right to exemption from the exam. If the average is lower than 18, the student, in order to pass the exam, must take it on one of the scheduled dates. Before the beginning of the test, the teacher will give all the explanations to best carry out the exam. Booking for the ongoing test is mandatory and must be made exclusively on the Studium platform ( by the indicated deadline.
The final exam (duration 90 minutes) consists of a written exam, containing theory questions and numerical exercises with stoichiometric calculations. Each question will be assigned the indicated score. The test is considered passed if the score obtained is between 18 and 30 (expressed out of thirty), otherwise the student will have to repeat the entire test on one of the scheduled dates. Before the beginning of the test, the teacher will give all the explanations to best carry out the exam. Booking for the exam, for each session, is mandatory and must be made exclusively on the student portal ( by the indicated deadline.