Feliciana Licciardello

Associate Professor of Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection [AGRI-04/A]

01/2023 - today Associate professor in Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection (AGR/08) 

01/2014-today National scientific qualification as Associate Professor (sector 07/C1 topic AGR/08)

10/2018-today National scientific qualification as Full Professor (sector 07/C1 topic AGR/08)

Author together with other co-authors of more than 80 papers (35 indexed on SCOPUS)

10/2015 - today Professor of the topic Environmental hydraulic protection (in the bachelor course Land and landscape planning and protection - L21) Contract Professor at the University of Catania since 2003/2004.

10/2023 - today Professor of the topic Nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment and water reuse (in the master course Territorial, environmental and landscape protection - LM75)

02/2018 - today Associate Editor of the International Soil and Water Conservation Research journal

01/2021 Guest editor of the Special Issue "Global Change in Mediterranean Regions: Potential Impact of Climate Drift and Land Use on Soil Erosion" - Land (ISSN 2073-445X) da Gennaio 2021


Dr. Feliciana Licciardello is Associate Professor in Agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection at the University of Catania - Di3A Department (Italy)

She was positively qualified as Associate Professor in the sector 07/C1 in January 2014

She was positively qualified as Full Professor in the sector 07/C1 in October 2018

She is professor of the topic Environmental hydraulic protection (in the bachelor course Land and landscape planning and protection - L21)

She is professor of Nature-based solutions for wastewater treatment and water reuse (in the master course Territorial, environmental and landscape protection - LM75)

She has been cooperating with Di3A as contract researcher since 2000 to today.

She is Associate Editor of the International Soil and Water Conservation Research journal

Guest editor of the Special Issue "Global Change in Mediterranean Regions: Potential Impact of Climate Drift and Land Use on Soil Erosion" - Land (ISSN 2073-445X) da Gennaio 2021

She is reviewer for numerous international journal: Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier); WATER (MDPI); CATENA, Agricultural Water Management; Land Degradation & Development (Wiley); Soil Science (Wolters Kluwer);Water and Sustainably (MDPI); Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Wiley) (https://publons.com/author/1189985/feliciana-licciardello#profile); Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (jast.modares.ac.ir); Geoderma (Elsevier); Solid Earth (Copernicus); Ecological Engineering (Elsevier); Transactions of the ASABE (ASABE); African Journal of Agricultural Research (Academic Journals); African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (Academic Journals); European Journal of Engineering Education (Taylor and Francis); Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Elsevier); Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge University); Agricultural System (Elsevier); Agricultural Water Management (Elsevier); Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (Elsevier).

National responsible of the Projsct NBS4STORWATER - Nature Based Solutions to enhance storage and quality of stormwater in Mediterranean peri-urban areas - Nature Based Solutions to enhance storage and quality of stormwater in Mediterranean peri-urban areas - PRIN PNRR 2022

Responsible substitute of the project CARDIMED - Demonstrating and Replicating Innovative Nature-Based and Other Engineered Solutions Within the Mediterranean to Support Climate Resilience of Regions - HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01-06

Referent substitute in the Steering Committee for Univerit of Catania of the project TRESOR – TRaitement des Eaux uSées et des bOues Résiduaires par filtres plantés et usage agricole durable Programma ENI di cooperazione transfrontaliera Italia-Tunisia 2014-2020

Referent substitute in the Steering Committee for Univerit of Catania of the project  GIFLUID - Green Infrastructures to mitigate flood risks in Urban and sub-urban areas and to improve the quality of rainwater discharges - INTERREG Italia - Malta

She is member of the editorial board of Cambridge Scholars Publishing

She has the Certificazione Pearson - livello B2 (Pass with Merit) 

She is author/co-author of more than 80 papers (35 indexed by SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE)

Previous experiences

She has been responsible for the Italian team of the project Mediterranean Agricultural Soils Conservation under global Change – MASCC (ERANET-ARIMNET) (2016-2019)

Member of the Group of Expert Evaluators of the Scientific Area 07 for the evaluation activities in the context of the 2015-2019 VQR exercise 

She has been working at several national and international projects related with 1. Soil erosion (modelling of erosion processes; evaluation of the sedimentation in artificial reservoirs; bioengineering techniques for the soil erosion reduction); 2. Wastewater reclamation and reuse in agricultural context (effects on soil and on crops irrigated with wastewater, effects on irrigation equipment); 3. Soil hydrology and eco-hydrology; 4. Characterization of soil physical and hydraulic properties.

She has been professor in charge since 2003 giving lectures within the main courses of the Agricultural Faculty of Catania.

She has been the ERASMUS referent for the bachelor course Land and landscape planning and protection - L21 from 2019 to 2023

She was member in several PhD commissions at the Valencia University and Cordoba University. She has several research collaborations with SWRC-USDA-ARS, Tucson, Arizona, USA; NSL-USDA-ARS, Oxford, Mississippi, USA; Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven, Belgium; IAS-CSIC of Cordoba, Spain; Spatial Sciences Laboratory, Texas A&M University, USA; Universidad de Cordoba; INRA Montpellier, France. She is a member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) and European Society for Soil Conservation (ESSC).

She worked as Research Assistant and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Physical and Regional Geography Research Group, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) for 26 months (2005-2007).

She got the PhD in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Catania in January 2004.

Last edit: 05/10/2024

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016

Main research topics are:

1. Nature-based solutions for the water reclamation and the runoff water management

2. Wastewater reclamation and reuse in agricultural context (effects on soil and on crops irrigated with wastewater, effects on irrigation equipment);

3. Characterization of hydraulic properties of constructed wetland substrates

4. Soil hydrology and eco-hydrology;

5. Hydrological - hydraulic study at watershed scale;

6. Soil erosion (modelling of erosion processes; evaluation of the sedimentation in artificial reservoirs; bioengineering techniques for the soil erosion reduction);