Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Santa Olga CACCIOLA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Course Structure

  • Environmental Applied Plant Pathology

The course will consist of lectures and laboratory exercises are planned; the activities will include i) the recognition of the main symptoms of plant diseases; ii) learning the main techniques of isolation of fungal pathogens from infected plant tissues. Students are required to participate actively during both the lectures and laboratory activities. Furthermore, students will be asked to prepare a report on a monographic topic chosen with the teacher which will then have to be presented during the lessons as a power point. This will allow students to acquire a series of knowledge related to the following aspects: a) perform a bibliographic research by consulting articles and websites on the chosen topic, taking care to select the most reliable bibliographic sources; b) prepare a report on the basis of a well-drawn outline; c) set up a power point by choosing appropriate images and structuring the slides in an appropriate manner; d) present the talk in public and answer to the questions of the teacher.

Detailed Course Content

Reminding of knowledge of general Plant Pathology: concept of disease, symptomatology, diagnosis, major conventional and innovative methods of diagnosis , main characteristics of plants pathogens, disease development phases, how pathogens attack plants, how plants defend themselves, epidemiology.

Plant Diseases

Main diseases of ornamental and Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub: wood rots, root rot, powdery mildews, chestnut blight, Dutch elm disease, blue stain canker of plane, crown gall, vascular diseases.

Diseases caused by abiotic stresses.

Plants and pollution: effects of polluting substances on plant; phytotossicity of polluting substances; biological monitoring of polluting substances.

Beneficial microrganisms: microorganisms of the rhizosphere, biofertilisers and antagonists; role of pathogens and antagonists in plant remediation.

Wood decay processes of trees: Visual Tree Assessment (VTA); diagnostic methods for wood alterations.

Principles of control of plant diseases: integrated control strategies; principles of plant health legislation; plant quarantine measures and mandatory control measures.

Laboratory exercises: recognition of symptoms of major diseases of ornamental and forest plants observation under a stereomicroscope of phytopathological samples; examination of reproductive structures of plant pathogenic fungi with MO; Isolation methods of some causal agents responsible for serious diseases of the forest and ornamental plants and their molecular characterization.

Field trips: monitoring of diseases in nurseries and in forest. seminars on specific topics held by experts in the field. Reference databases, reference texts and scientific periodical consultation, web surfing of phytopathological websites.

Textbook Information

1) Ragazzi A., Capretti P., Gherardini L., Moricca S. Elementi di Patologia Forestale 2023m-Pàtron Editore

2)  Belli G. -.2006 - Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012) - Editore Piccin, Padova

3) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione)

4) Garibaldi A., M.L.Gullino, V. Lisa - Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole

5) Lorenzini G. – Le Piante e l’inquinamento dell’aria - Edagricole, Bologna.

6) Forest Pathology and Plant Health - Special Issue Published in Forests - Editori M. Garbelotto & P. Gonthier. MDPI AG Basel, Switzerland

Further reading on
7) F. Moriondo – Introduzione alla Patologia forestale- seconda edizione. Utet, Torino
8) N. Anselmi, G. Govi , 1996, “Patologia del Legno”, Edagricole, Bologna

Learning Objectives (SKILLS)

  • Environmental Applied Plant Pathology

The main objective is to provide the knowledge of plant pathogens, mode of infection, damage, diagnosis and strategies to control diseases of plants in green areas, parks and in natural environments. To provide also theoretical and practical knowledge to plan environmental and landscape protection measures as well as bioremediation strategies in compliance with both phytosanitary legislation and the health of workers and citizens.


Students will be accompanied by the lecturer along a path of knowledge and learning that will enable them to acquire autonomy of judgment through planning theoretical-practical activities, such as analyzing a scientific article and applying laboratory protocols to answer technical questions. They will be posed phytopathological problems (symptomatic plant specimens) that they will have to solve based on the knowledge acquired during the course.


Students'communication skills and capacity for in-depth study

Students' communication skills are an aim of the course. In fact, the lecturer will propose to analyze a scientific publication. Students will have to analyze it and prepare a ppt presentation answering precise analytical questions. This individual study will then be presented in the classroom, and the lecturer will stimulate critical discussion of the data presented. Preparing the report will require honing the skills of learning and capacity for in-depth study knowledge of the proposed topic.


·       One written mid-course placement test, which will be taken into account for the final assessment

·       Written report on an in-depth monograph topic chosen in consultation with the instructor

·       Presentation of the report by power point

·       During the presentation of the report, the lecturer will ascertain the knowledge gained during the course with some specific questions


Examples of open-ended questions: Describe the various types of cancers caused by Cryphonectria parasitica. Describe the mechanism of hypovirulence. Illustrate how a phytopathogen is isolated from fruit, leaf and soil

Verification of learning is through a written test and an oral interview (presentation of the paper). Evaluation of the student's preparation will be based on the following criteria: ability to learn and level of depth of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.

Grading will follow the following pattern:


Subject knowledge and understanding: Significant deficiencies. Significant inaccuracies

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability to synthesize

Use of references: Completely inappropriate



Subject knowledge and understanding: At threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Barely sufficient ability

Use of references: Barely appropriate



Subject knowledge and understanding: Routine knowledge Ability to analyze and synthesize: Is able to analyze and synthesize correctly. Argues logically and coherently

Use of references: Uses standard references



Subject knowledge and understanding: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis skills: Has good analysis and synthesis skills. Topics are expressed consistently

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding topic: Knowledge more than good

Analytical and synthesis skills: Has considerable analytical and synthesis skills

Use of references: Has deepened understanding of topics


Knowledge and understanding topic: Knowledge very good

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Has considerable ability to analyze and synthesize.

Use of references: Important insights.

Course Structure

The course will consist mostly of lectures, but laboratory exercises are planned for recognizing the main symptoms and learning techniques for isolating fungal pathogens from infected plant tissues. 

Students are expected to actively participate both during the course of lectures and during the conduct of laboratory activities. In addition, it will be proposed that students prepare a paper on a monographic topic, chosen in agreement with the lecturer, which is then to be presented in the course of lectures after preparation of a power point. This will enable students to acquire a range of knowledge related to the following aspects: a) conducting a literature search by consulting articles and websites on the chosen topic, taking care to select the most reliable bibliographic sources; b) preparing a paper on the basis of a well-charted outline; c) setting up a power point by choosing appropriate images and structuring the slides appropriately; d) exhibiting in public by answering the lecturer's questions.

Required Prerequisites

- Plant cell biology: structure and function

- General botany: morphology and physiology of plants

- Knowledge of systematic botany

- Elementary knowledge of ecophysiology

Attendance of Lessons

The teaching regulations do not require compulsory attendance; however, in order to take the exam, it is strongly recommended to attend at least 70 percent of the scheduled teaching activities.

The exam requires knowledge of laboratory activities, and participation in these activities is only allowed for students who attend regularly.

Detailed Course Content

Reminding of knowledge of general Plant Pathology: concept of disease, symptomatology, diagnosis, major conventional and innovative methods of diagnosis , main characteristics of plants pathogens, disease development phases, how pathogens attack plants, how plants defend themselves, epidemiology.

Plant Diseases

Main diseases of ornamental and Mediterranean forests, woodlands, and scrub: wood rots, root rot, powdery mildews, chestnut blight, Dutch elm disease, blue stain canker of plane, crown gall, vascular diseases.

Diseases caused by abiotic stresses.

Plants and pollution: effects of polluting substances on plant; phytotossicity of polluting substances; biological monitoring of polluting substances.

Beneficial microrganisms: microorganisms of the rhizosphere, biofertilisers and antagonists; role of pathogens and antagonists in plant remediation.

Wood decay processes of trees: Visual Tree Assessment (VTA); diagnostic methods for wood alterations.

Principles of control of plant diseases: integrated control strategies; principles of plant health legislation; plant quarantine measures and mandatory control measures.

Laboratory exercises: recognition of symptoms of major diseases of ornamental and forest plants observation under a stereomicroscope of phytopathological samples; examination of reproductive structures of plant pathogenic fungi with MO; Isolation methods of some causal agents responsible for serious diseases of the forest and ornamental plants and their molecular characterization.

Field trips: monitoring of diseases in nurseries and in forest. seminars on specific topics held by experts in the field. Reference databases, reference texts and scientific periodical consultation, web surfing of phytopathological websites.

Textbook Information

1) Belli G. -.2006 - Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012) - Editore Piccin, Padova

2) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione)

3) Capretti P. e A. Ragazzi- Elementi di Patologia Forestale – Patron Editore Bologna

4) Garibaldi A., M.L.Gullino, V. Lisa - Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole

5) Lorenzini G. – Le Piante e l’inquinamento dell’aria - Edagricole, Bologna.

6) Forest Pathology and Plant Health - Special Issue Published in Forests - Editori M. Garbelotto & P. Gonthier. MDPI AG Basel, Switzerland

Further reading on
7) F. Moriondo – Introduzione alla Patologia forestale- seconda edizione. Utet, Torino
8) N. Anselmi, G. Govi , 1996, “Patologia del Legno”, Edagricole, Bologna

Any supplementary teaching materials (lecture notes; exercise protocols; scholarly and/or popular articles related to program topics; handouts on monographic topics) will be provided by the lecturer during lectures and simultaneously published in Studium.

Textbook Information

1) Ragazzi A., Capretti P., Gherardini L., Moricca S. -.2023 - Elementi di Patologia Forestale Patron Editore, Bologna

2) Belli G. -.2006 - Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012) - Editore Piccin, Padova

3) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione)

4) Garibaldi A., M.L.Gullino, V. Lisa - Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole

5) Lorenzini G. – Le Piante e l’inquinamento dell’aria - Edagricole, Bologna.

6) Forest Pathology and Plant Health - Special Issue Published in Forests - Editori M. Garbelotto & P. Gonthier. MDPI AG Basel, Switzerland

Further reading on
7) F. Moriondo – Introduzione alla Patologia forestale- seconda edizione. Utet, Torino
8) N. Anselmi, G. Govi , 1996, “Patologia del Legno”, Edagricole, Bologna

Any supplementary teaching materials (lecture notes; exercise protocols; scholarly and/or popular articles related to program topics; handouts on monographic topics) will be provided by the lecturer during lectures and simultaneously published in Studium.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1General plant pathology knowledge recall1) Belli G. -.2006 - Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012) - Editore Piccin, Padova 2) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione)
2Plant diseasesBelli G. -.2006 - Elementi di Patologia Vegetale (seconda edizione, 2012) - Editore Piccin, Padova 2) George N. Agrios – Plant Pathology – Academic. Press. Inc., San Diego, California (VI edizione) 3) Capretti P. e A. Ragazzi- Elementi di Patologia Forestale – Patron Editore Bologna 4) Garibaldi A., M.L.Gullino, V. Lisa - Malattie delle piante ornamentali- Calderini Edagricole 5) Lorenzini G. – Le Piante e l’inquinamento dell’aria - Edagricole, Bologna. 6) Forest Pathology and Plant Health - Special Issue Published in Forests - Editori M. Garbelotto & P. Gonthier. MDPI AG Basel, Switzerland

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

La verifica dell'apprendimento avviene attraverso un test scritto e un colloquio orale (presentazione della relazione). La valutazione della preparazione dello studente avverrà sulla base dei seguenti criteri: capacità di apprendimento e livello di approfondimento degli argomenti trattati, proprietà di sintesi e esposizione, e capacità di ragionamento dello studente.

La votazione segue il seguente schema:

Non idoneo

Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Importanti carenze. Significative imprecisioni

Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Irrilevanti. Frequenti generalizzazioni. Incapacità di sintesi

Utilizzo di referenze: Completamente inappropriato


Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: A livello soglia. Imperfezioni evidenti

Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Capacità appena sufficienti

Utilizzo di referenze: Appena appropriato


Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza routinaria Capacità di analisi e sintesi: E’ in grado di analisi e sintesi corrette. Argomenta in modo logico e coerente

Utilizzo di referenze: Utilizza le referenze standard


Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza buona

Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha capacità di analisi e di sintesi buone. Gli argomenti sono espressi coerentemente

Utilizzo di referenze: Utilizza le referenze standard


Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza più che buona

Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha notevoli capacità di analisi e di sintesi

Utilizzo di referenze: Ha approfondito gli argomenti


Conoscenza e comprensione argomento: Conoscenza ottima

Capacità di analisi e sintesi: Ha notevoli capacità di analisi e di sintesi.

Utilizzo di referenze: Importanti approfondimenti.