Academic Year 2017/2018 - 2° YearCredit Value: 6
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
Basic knowledge on applied animal husbandry in ruminants and monogastrics
Detailed Course Content
Outlines on anatomy and physiology of reproductive tract in cattle. Reproductive efficiency in cattle and how to improve it (artificial insemination, embryo-transfer, pregnancy diagnosis, estrus induction/synchronization). Management of dairy calves and heifers. Milk production in large ruminants: lactation curve. Management of dairy cow (lactation, dry, transition). Dairy cattle nutritional management. Outlines on small ruminant production. Beef meat production chain: management of white veal calves and young bulls. Management of suckling-cow system. Outlines on meat quality. Monogastric animal husbandry: poultry production chain in Italy; management of laying hens and broilers; pork production chain in Italy; management of sows, piglets, light and heavy pig.
Textbook Information
1. Bittante, G., Andrighetto, I., Ramanzin, M. - Tecniche di Produzione Animale. Liviana Editrice.
2. Monetti, P.G. - Allevamento dei bovini e dei suini. Cristiano Giraldi Editore.
3. Dell'Orto, V., Savoini, G. - Alimentazione della vacca da latte. Edagricole.
4. Succi, G., Hoffmann, I. - La vacca da latte. CittàStudi.
5. Cerolini, S., Marzoni Fecia di cossato, M., Romboli, M., Schiavone, A., Zaniboni, L., Avicoltura e Coniglicoltura. Point Veterinaire Italie.