Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° YearCredit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 2°
Learning Objectives
The course of study aims at acquiring knowledge on zootechnical systems, zootechnical demography and ethnology, the genetic causes of the variability of productions, to derive principles and methods of farm management and genetic improvement of breeds and the quality of animal production
Course Structure
Lectures and exercises (classroom and company), also on line
If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported syllabus.
Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.
Detailed Course Content
Animal production systems:
Genetic resources and their productios.
Milk and meat production in cattle, sheep, goat and swine.
Endangered authochtonous breeds.
Zootechnical productions and choice of reproducers using phenotypic observations;
Cross breeding to improve the quality of the productions
Exercises and technical visits will be carried out at livestock farms
Textbook Information
1 - Bittante G., Andrighetto I., Ramanzin M. Fondamenti di Zootecnica (Liviana Editrice);
2 - Bittante G., Andrighetto I., Ramanzin M. Tecniche di Produzione Animale (Liviana Editrice);
3 - Dialma Balasini – Zoognostica, per la conoscenza, la valutazione e la scelta degli animali. Edagricole.