Academic Year 2020/2021 - 1° Year - Curriculum Gestione sostenibile del territorio agroforestale and Curriculum Pianificazione territoriale, ambientale e del paesaggio
Teaching Staff: Cettina Santagati
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

The course, divided into lessons and exercises, has as its specific objective the teaching of drawing as an irreplaceable tool for reading, investigation and means of communication of the physical reality that surrounds us. The aim of the course is therefore to provide students with the appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical-applicative competence in the methods of drawing as a fundamental tool for visualization and communication able to correspond to current needs in the field of planning and environmental sustainability of the territory and landscape.

Course Structure

The first part of the course is dedicated to provide the theoretical framework of the discipline through frontal lessons in which we will deal with the methods of descriptive geometry (orthogonal projections, axonometry, dimensional projections, perspective), drawing as a tool for the investigation of reality (sketchbook), techniques of relief and representation of territory and landscape, scales of representation, digital representation.

Students for the duration of the course will write down in their personal sketchbook the sketches/extempore that they will produce during the course.

The exercises will be oriented to the application of theoretical concepts and aimed at providing students with the practical-operational and critical tools to face the understanding of the significant elements of the territory and landscape through drawing and relief.

If the teaching is given in a blended mode or at a distance, the necessary variations can be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program provided and reported in the syllabus.

Detailed Course Content

1. The Drawing as a tool for reading, analysis and communication.

Drawing and memory; Drawing as a language; Drawing as a dialectical process of knowledge; The tools and supports of drawing; The sketchbook, i.e. seeing and not looking: drawing in order to know and expand one's knowledge.

2. The modalities of representation: conventions and graphic scales

Freehand drawing; Geometrical drawing; Symbols, graphic conventions and dimensioning; From territorial and urbanistic graphics to detailed ones: aims, opportunities and communicative properties of the different scales of the representation

3. Methods of representation

Biunivocity between reality and representation. The projections. Central and parallel projections.

4. Orthogonal projections

Monge's method. Projections of the point, the line, the plane: its traces and projections. The auxiliary planes, representation on them. Conditions of belonging. Incident lines and straight lines. Overturning. The sections.

5. Assonometric Projections

Generalities. The reference; The types of axonometry in relation to the direction of the projection and the position of the reference plane; Representation of the geometrical entities: plane, line, point. Applications

6. Quotate Projections

Representation of the fundamental entities: plane, line, point. Overturning for the determination of the terrain profile. Representation of contour lines.

7. Perspective

Generalities. The reference; Central and accidental perspective; Representation of geometrical entities: plane, line, point. Applications

8. Vertical connecting elements: the stairs

Various types of stairs. Representation in orthogonal projection. Offset.

9. The Survey as an instrument of investigation and knowledge of reality

Generalities. Surveying techniques (direct survey, photogrammetric survey, 3D laser scanner). Data processing and interpretation (graphic restitution, orthophotos, modeling, information enrichment).

10. Digital representation for territory and landscape

Drawing and modeling programs, usage modes and basic concepts; raster and vector representation, graphic primitives, 2D and 3D space, exact and approximate representations, coordinate systems. Graphical interface; command input mode; drawing display mode (zoom, pan, aerial view); precision drawing (object snap); two-dimensional graphic primitives; selection set management; editing of graphic primitives. Object properties (color, tipoline, thickness); use and management of layers; use and management of libraries and blocks; use and management of hatching; dimensioning. Output devices for printing; use of layouts. Custom coordinate systems; 3D modeling (mathematical and polygonal).

Textbook Information

Stefano Bertocci, Marco Bini (2008). Manuale di rilievo architettonico e urbano, CittàStudi, Firenze

Maria Grazia Cianci (2008). La rappresentazione del paesaggio. Metodi, strumenti e procedure per l'analisi e la rappresentazione, Alinea, Firenze

Cundari C., Il Disegno. Ragioni.Fondamenti.Applicazioni, Edizioni Kappa, Roma 2006

Mario Docci, Diego Maestri (2020), Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano, Laterza, Bari

Mariateresa Galizia (2008). La rappresentazione del territorio e il disegno dei suoi paesaggi. Il versante orientale dell'Etna. Metodi e linguaggi dalla tradizione all'innovazione. Il Lunario, Enna

Sandro Parrinello (2013). Disegnare il paesaggio. Esperienze di analisi e letture grafiche dei luoghi. EDIFIR. FIrenze