Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: TERESA GRAZIANOExpected Learning Outcomes
Applying knowledge: students will be able to apply critical methods and instrument to "read" and interpret transformation processes in urban contexts
Making judgments: students will identify, select and process data retrieved from the historical analysis of a urban centre
Communication skills: students will use a specific linguistic register related to urban history and they will be able to communicate the results of historical investigations through projects and final reports
Learning skills: students will be able to retrace the historical evolution of the city
Course Structure
Working groups: document analysis
Flipped classroom
Information for students with disabilities and/or Learning Disorders.
As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or Learning Disorders), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.
Required Prerequisites
Attendance of Lessons
Detailed Course Content
In particular, students will focus on the main theoretical approaches related to the historical evolution of cities and gain the methodological instruments to carry out archive/bibliographic research, identify the main iconographic sources (maps, photographs), secondary textual sources (newspapers, travel diaries, planning documents) and use them in fieldwork analysis.
Textbook Information
Other learing materials include scientific papers, policy making documents and report/dossier. Materials will be available on Studium during the course
Course Planning
Subjects | Text References | |
1 | Cities in history: morphology, categories and urban functions | Learning material provided by the teacher + Text 1, pp. 43-63 |
2 | Maps, pictures, drawing: the iconographic sources for analysing urban history | Learning material provided by the teacher |
3 | Urban texture in Europe: industrialization and urbanization | Text 1, pp. 83-93 |
4 | The European city and the plans: Paris, Barcelona, Wien, Amsterdam | Learning material provided by the teacher |
5 | The historical centre, between protection and regeneration: definition, legal frames and operational measures. Focus on the Catania historical centre | Learning material provided by the teacher |
6 | Fieldwork: urban walking as a tool for the analysis of urban transformation in the historic centre | |
7 | Fieldwork (2): da definire |
Learning Assessment
Learning Assessment Procedures
Learning evaluation will be made through an oral test, during which the students will present his/her own project and his/her theoretical knowledge will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Learning skills and degree of in-depth knowledge
2. Synthesis & analysis skills, appropriate linguistic register
3. Capacity of critical thought
Final mark will be assigned according to the following scheme:
Test failed:
1. serious flaws 2. inability to synthetize and analyse 3. inability to critical thought
1, 2, 3: just enough
1, 2, 3: enough
1, 2, 3: good
1, 2, 3: very good
1, 2, 3: excellent