Academic Year 2020/2021 - 3° Year - Curriculum Tutela e valorizzazione del territorioCredit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester: 1°
Learning Objectives
To provide students with competence for the selection of the most adequate building interventions to be carried out for the rehabilitation and reuse of rural architecture in relation to its morphological and building features as well as the susceptibility to reuse of traditional buildings. To develop in students the skills required for the building renovation design process.
Course Structure
Frontal teaching (28 hh), individual and group activities (28 hh). If measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic should be incremented, lectures could be held online or in mixed mode.
Detailed Course Content
Rural architecture. Definition of rural architecture. Overview of the main types of traditional rural architecture. Methods for typological, functional and structural characterization of rural architecture. Traditional building materials: stone, wood, mortar, plaster, and concrete. Main architectural elements of traditional rural building: flat horizontal closures (basic floors, intermediate floors and roofs), curved horizontal closures (load-bearing structures and not load-bearing structures), slanting horizontal closures, load-bearing vertical closures and internal partition systems, stairs. Methods and tools for geometric survey of a traditional rural building. Building rehabilitation. Diagnosis of degradation and instability of traditional rural buildings. Consolidation of main architectural elements. Functional re-use of traditional rural buildings. Overview on the legal framework for the rehabilitation and re-use of rural buildings. Methods and tools for determining the most adequate re-use which is compatible with the existing buildings and the local context in which they are located. Laboratory activities. Students will be divided into groups of no more than four units. Each group will be assigned a traditional rural building to be analysed. The group work will consist in identifying a re-use compatible with the assigned building. |
Textbook Information
1. AGOSTINI S., 2009. Recupero e riuso degli edifici rurali. Elementi di progetto e di piano. Integrazione del paesaggio. Maggioli Editore. Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN).
2. CASCONE S., PORTO S.M.C. 2008. Valutazione della potenzialità di riuso del patrimonio architettonico rurale e definizione di criteri e metodi innovativi per gli interventi di recupero. Il lunario. Enna.
3. BANDELLONI E., 1986. Elementi di architettura tecnica. CLEUP Editore. Padova.
4. ANDREOZZI L., PALUMO G., RESTUCCIA F., TAIBI G. 1989. I modelli grafici come strumenti della progettazione. CULC. Catania
5. ALLERUZZO DI MAGGIO M.T., FORMICA C., FORNARO A., GAMBINO J. C., PECORA A., URSINO G., 1973. La casa rurale nella Sicilia orientale. Olschki editore. Firenze.
6. SALEMI A. 2000. Il recupero e la conservazione delle fabbriche tradizionali. Le patologie da umidità. Gangemi Editore
7. SALEMI A. 2000. Il rilievo delle patologie della fabbrica tradizionale. Le indagini non distruttive. Documenti, 18 del Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica dell’Università degli studi di Catania.
8. CASCONE G., PORTO S.M.C., 2008. Indicatori per la valutazoine della potenzialità turistico-ricettica di edifici rurali tradizionali. Journal of Agricultural Engineering 39 (4), 43-56.