Academic Year 2019/2020 - 2° Year
Teaching Staff: Maria De Salvo
Credit Value: 6
Course Language: Italian
Taught classes: 28 hours
Exercise: 28 hours
Term / Semester:

Learning Objectives

To supply conceptual and practical skills in the field of real estate appraisal in order to produce appraisal reports consistent with international standard rules.

Course Structure

The course begins with an introduction to financial mathematics and basic statistics (Part I). Written tests are held on these topics. Part II of the course presents and analyses the main approaches to value. The last part of the course (Part III) focuses on case studies analysis. The case studies build upon foundational appraisal principles in examining a wide range of valuation assignments, including retail property valuation, comparison‐based methods of land valuation, income‐based methods of land valuation, appraising agricultural properties, expropriation and appraisal.

Detailed Course Content

Elements of financial mathematics. Basic statisitcs. Appraisal postulates and criteria. Market-oriented appraisal mehods: traditional approaches; market comparison approach; paired data analysis; general systems approach; nearest appraisal technique; regresssion models. The cost approach; deprecation estimates. The income approach. Real estate market and market analysis. Appraisal standards. The appraisal report. Professional practices and law.

Textbook Information

1. Michieli M., Cipollotti G.B. (2018): Trattato di estimo generale, immobiliare, agrario, forestale, ambientale, legale. Edagricole.

2. Simonotti M. (2006): Metodi di stima immobiliare. Applicazioni degli standard internazionali. Flaccovio.

3. Simonotti, M. (2011). Valutazione immobiliare standard. Stimatrix.