• 2019-2022: PhD course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania. Research project: “Driving the Italian agri-food system into a circular economy model”. This project will see the detailed analysis, through an approach of transition from a linear to a circular system, of a specific agri-food chain: the olive-growing chain in Sicily. The activities will concern the analysis of the current linear practices of olive oil production in the most relevant areas to get a complete overview of agricultural and business practices, and to select alternative paths of regenerative agriculture as a model of valorization of by-products. Activities will also be aimed at analyzing, through the use of semi-quantitative methods, the attitude of olive growers towards the CE and the organizational elements. One of the activities will be an economic experiment in field, in which the perception, expectations and preferences of consumers will be specifically analyzed through the use of economic incentives to avoid bias problems.
  • 2019: Scholarship: Centro di Specializzazione e Ricerche Economico-Agrarie per il Mezzogiorno, Portici, (NA).
  • 2017-2019: Master’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Catania. Supervisors: Prof. Mario D’Amico and Prof. Gioacchino Pappalardo.  Degree thesis: “Italians and GM Food: judgments ad prejudices”. Final mark: 110/110 cum laude.
  • 2011-2017: Bachelor’s Degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Catania. Supervisor: Prof.ssa Valeria Sorrenti. Degree thesis: “Sweeteners: benefits and risks to human health”.
  • 2011: High School diploma, Liceo Scientifico “Ettore Majorana”, San Giovanni La Punta, (CT).



PhD Research project: “Driving the Italian agri-food system into a circular economy model”. This project will see the detailed analysis, through an approach of transition from a linear to a circular system, of a specific agri-food chain: the olive-growing chain in Sicily. The activities will concern the analysis of the current linear practices of olive oil production in the most relevant areas to get a complete overview of agricultural and business practices, and to select alternative paths of regenerative agriculture as a model of valorization of by-products. Activities will also be aimed at analyzing, through the use of semi-quantitative methods, the attitude of olive growers towards the CE and the organizational elements. One of the activities will be an economic experiment in field, in which the perception, expectations and preferences of consumers will be specifically analyzed through the use of economic incentives to avoid bias problems.


  • Hamam, M., Di Vita, G., Zanchini, R., Spina, D., Raimondo, M., Pilato, M., D’Amico, M. (2022). Consumers’ Attitudes and Purchase Intention for a Vitamin-Enriched Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Nutrients14(8), 1658.
  • Hamam, M., D'Amico, M., Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G.,Tóth, J. (2022). Eco-Innovations Transition of Agri-food Enterprises Into a Circular Economy. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems6.
  • Zarbà, C., Chinnici, G., Hamam, M., Bracco, S., Pecorino, B., D'Amico, M. (2022). Driving Management of Novel Foods: A Network Analysis Approach. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 531.
  • Raimondo, M., Hamam, M., D'Amico, M., Caracciolo, F. (2022). Plastic-free behavior of millennials: An application of the theory of planned behavior on drinking choices. Waste Management138, 253-261.
  • Hamam, M., Chinnici, G., Di Vita, G., Pappalardo, G., Pecorino, B., Maesano, G., D’Amico, M. (2021). Circular Economy Models in Agro-Food Systems: A Review. Sustainability13(6), 3453.
  • Zarbà, C., La Via, G., Pappalardo, G., Hamam, M.The sustainability of Novel foods in the transition phase to the circular economy; the trade “Algae fit for human consumption” in European Union, 2020, AIMS Agriculture and Food, 5(1): 54–75, DOI: 10.3934/agrfood.2020.1.54
  • Chinnici, G., Zarbà, C., Hamam, M., Pecorino, B., D’Amico, M., A model of circular economy of citrus industry, 2019, 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference SGEM 2019 – Section Recycling, 19(4.2), pp. 19-26, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2019V/4.

Scientific Meetings

  • Chinnici, G., Borrello, M., Cembalo, L., Hamam, M., Maesano, G., Selvaggi, R., Zarbà, C., D'Amico, M. Designing business models for the circular economy: insights from the olive oil supply chain in sicily. 16th International European Forum (Igls-Forum*) (EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 16 February 2022, online.
  • Maesano, G., Hamam, M., Pecorino, B., Pappalardo, G., D’Amico, M., Chinnici, G. Quali attributi sensoriali e preferenze di consumo degli ortaggi di IV gamma nell’era del Covid-19, #foodrestart, Brexit, Nuova PAC, Covid-19: l’agroalimentare italiano riparte. XXIX Convegno SIEA (2021), Verona, 30 settembre – 1 ottobre 2021.
  • Hamam, M., Borrello, M., Chinnici, G., D'Amico, M., Cembalo, L.  An operational strategy to foster transitions into circular business models. 15th International European Forum (Igls-Forum*) (EAAE Seminar) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 24 February 2021, online.
  • D’Amico M., Pappalardo G., Chinnici G., Maesano G., Hamam M. Economia dell’olivicoltura irrigua: sostenibilità delle scelte gestionali. Seminario sui risultati intermedi del Progetto di ricerca “gestione sostenibile di impianti di ulivo attraverso tecniche di irrigazione deficitaria e uso di acque reflue - H2Olivo. Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente (Di3a) –Università degli Studi di Catania, 10 November 2020, webinar.