Camila Vanessa Buturi

PhD in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXV Cycle
Tutor: Francesco Giuffrida
  • 2019-2022: PhD course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science, University of Catania. Research project: “Biofortification of vegetables for new consumer demand”. The aim of the PhD project is to study how to increase the nutritional qualities of vegetables as an answer to the growing market demand for certified functional products, enriched with nutraceutical substances for specific functional needs. To achieve the proposed goal, agronomic biofortification will be used. Biofortification is the process of enhancing nutrient content in the edible plant tissues with specific micronutrients. This can be a valuable agronomic practice to achieve product quality by addressing nutrient specific requirements or deficiencies in the human diet.  
  • 2015-2016: Licentiate degree in Biology, Federal University of Technology, supervisor: Prof. Rafael Klein de Souza. Degree thesis: “Evaluation of the structure of the Science Laboratories of the public schools of Cascavel – Paraná”
  • 2013-2015: Master’s Degree in Botany, Federal University of Paraná; supervisors: Prof.ssa Livia Godinho Temponi and Prof.ssa Cassia Monica Sakuragui. Degree thesis: “The genus Philodendron Schott (Araceae) in the Paraná State – Brazil ”.  
  • 2009-2012: Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Sciences, State University of West Paraná; supervisor: Prof.ssa Andrea Maria Teixeira Fortes. Degree thesis: “Allelopathic potential of the species Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi”.
  • 2008: High School diploma: State School Ieda Baggio Mayer
  • Buturi CV, Temponi LG, Sakuragui CM. (2016). O gênero Philodendron (Araceae) no estado do Paraná. Rodriguésia (Impresso), v. 67, p. 795-814.
  • Cassol FDR, Fortes AMT, Mendonça LC, Buturi CV, Marcon TR. (2016). Physiological behavior of bean seeds and grains during storage. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Online), v. 88, p. 1069-1077.
  • Cassol FDR, Fortes AMT, Coelho SEM, Spiassi A, Boiago NP, Mendonça LC, Buturi CV, Pilatti D M. (2016). Biochemical behavior of bean seeds and grains during storage. Bioscience Journal (Online), v. 32, p. 1545-1551.
  • Buturi CV, Temponi LG, Sakuragui CM. (2015). A new species of Philodendron subg. Pteromischum (Araceae) from the Paraná River, Brazil. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy, v. 202, p. 284-288.
  • Zappi DC, Filardi FL, Ranzato L, Paula S, Vinícius CW, Bruno MT, Pirani, José RM, Marli PQ, Cavalcanti LP, Taciana BM, Forzza RFV, Abreu C, Acevedo-Rodríguez MC, Pedro A, Almeida MF, Almeida EB, Gracineide SSA, Alves RF, Buturi CV, et al. (2015) Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil. Rodriguésia (Online), v. 66, p. 1085-1113.
  • Buturi CV, Mendonça LC, Cassol FDR, Marcon TR, Fortes AMT. (2015) Potencial da Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi na recuperação de áreas degradadas: interações aleloquímicas. Revista Cultivando o Saber, v. 8, p. 49-58.
  • Bonamigo T, Fortes AMT, Pinto TT, Gomes FM, Silva J, Buturi CV. (2013). Interferência alelopática de folhas de cártamo sobre espécies oleaginosas. Biotemas (UFSC), v. 26, p. 1-8.