Livia Maria Negrini Ferreira

PhD Student
PhD in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science - XXXVII Cycle
Tutor: Gaetana Mazzeo

2021 – 2025: PhD in Entomology at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais, Brazil, with co-tutorship in the PhD program in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science at the University of Catania (Unict), Catania, Italy

Thesis: "Combined and Separate Effects of Pesticides and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Wild Eusocial Bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae)"

Supervisors: Maria Augusta Lima Siqueira (UFV) and Gaetana Mazzeo (Unict)


2019 – 2021: Master's Degree in Ecology

Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais, Brazil

Degree thesis: "Toxic effects of glyphosate and acephate on the stingless bee Plebeia lucii Moure, 2004 (Hymenoptera, Apidae)"

Supervisor: Prof. Maria Augusta Lima Siqueira


2018: Volunteer Teacher of the EDUC-UFES Extension Project

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Teaching of Biology to students preparing for the vestibular


2012 – 2018: Licentiate degree in Biological Sciences

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Degree thesis: "The importance of specific and pedagogical contents in the training of science teachers according to the conception of teachers with a degree in Biological Sciences at the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo"

Supervisor: Prof. Patrícia Silveira da Silva Trazzi


2016 – 2017: Scholarship holder within the Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBIC)

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Project: "Comparative morphology of pollen grains of three floral classes of Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae)"

Supervisor: Prof. Tânia Mara Guerra


2012 – 2017: Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Degree thesis: "New model of floral variation in Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae)"

Supervisor: Prof. Tânia Mara Guerra


2012 and 2015: Volunteer at the Institute of Research and Rehabilitation on Marine Animals (IPRAM), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Activities related to the rehabilitation of Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) stranded on the coast of Espírito Santo and other states


2014 – 2015: Fellow in the Science without Borders/CAPES programme

Exchange student at Trinity College Dublin (TDC), Dublin, Ireland, in the Zoology program


2012 – 2013: Young Talents for Science/CAPES Fellow

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Espírito Santo, Brazil

Project: "Immunolocalization of Seed Lectins (ConBr) in Canavalia brasiliensis Mart. ex Benth Hatchlings. (Leguminosae)"

Supervisor: Prof. Emílio de Castro Miguel

I was part of the Laboratory of Biological Interactions (LabIBio) at Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (UFES), Espirito Santo, Brasile, from 2013 to 2018, with studies focused on pollination ecology, palinology and floral morphology.

Since 2019, I am a member of the Laboratory of Bees and Wasps (LAV) at Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Minas Gerais, Brasile, which has as research lines the risk analysis of transgenic plants and pesticides to pollinators, pollination, entomology, animal behavior and ecotoxicology. Currently I am laso a member of the Laboratory of Agrary Zoology, at University of Catania, where I study the risk of various pesticides to eusocial bees.

Ferreira LMN, Hrncir M, de Almeida DV, Bernardes RC, Lima MAP. (2023). Effects of acephate and glyphosate-based agrochemicals on the survival and flight of Plebeia lucii Moure, 2004 (Apidae: Meliponini). Ecotoxicology, 32: 926–936. doi: 10.1007/s10646-023-02698-9


Boscolo D, Nobrega Rodrigues B, Ferreira PA, Lopes LE, Tonetti VR, Reis Dos Santos IC, Hiruma-Lima JA, Nery L, Baptista de Lima K, Perozi J, Freitas AVL, Viana BF, Antunes-Carvalho C, Amorim DS, Freitas de Oliveira F, Groppo M, Absy ML, de Almeida-Scabbia RJ, Alves-Araújo A, de Amorim FW, Antiqueira PAP, Antonini Y, Aoki C, Dos Santos Aragão D, Balbino TCT, da Silva Ferreira Bandeira M, Barbosa BC, de Vasconcellos Barbosa MR, Baronio GJ, Barros LO, Beal-Neves M, Bertollo VM, de Melo Bezerra AD, Buzatto CR, Carneiro LT, Caron E, Carpim CS, Carvalho ES, Carvalho TL, Carvalho-Leite LJ, Cascaes MF, de Castro FS, Cavalleri A, Cazetta E, Cerezini MT, Coelho LFM, Colares R, Cordeiro GD, Cordeiro J, da Silva Corrêa AM, da Costa FV, Covre C, Cruz RDM, Cruz-Neto O, Correia-da-Rocha-Filho L, Delabie JHC, da Costa Dórea M, do-Nascimento VT, Alves Dos-Santos JM, Duarte M, Duarte MC, Duarte OMP, Dutilh JHA, Emerick BP, Fabiano GDS, Farache FHA, de Faria APG, Fernandes GW, Maria Abreu Ferreira P, Ferreira-Caliman MJ, Ferreira LMN, Filgueira de Sá TF, Franceschinelli EV, Franco-Assis GA, Fregolente Faracco Mazziero F, Freitas BM, Freitas J, Galastri NA, Galetto L, Garcia CT, Amela García MT, Garcia NL, Garófalo CA, Gélvez-Zúñiga I, Goldas CDS, Guerra TJ, Guerra TM, Harter-Marques B, Hipólito J, Kamke R, Klein RP, Koch EBA, Landgref-Filho P, Laroca S, Leandro CM, Lima R, de Lima TRA, Lima-Verde LW, de Lírio EJ, Lopes AV, Luizi-Ponzo AP, Machado ICS, Machado T, Magalhães FS, Mahlmann T, Mariano CDSF, Marques TED, Martello F, Martins CF, Martins MN, Martins R, Mascarenhas ALS, de Assis Mendes G, Mendonça MS, Menini Neto L, Milward-de-Azevedo MA, Miranda AO, Montoya-Pfeiffer PM, Moraes AM, Moraes BB, Moreira EF, Morini MS, Moure-Oliveira D, De Nadai LF, Nagatani VH, Nervo MH, de Siqueira Neves F, de Novais JS, Araújo-Oliveira ÉS, de Oliveira JHF, Pacheco-Filho AJS, Palmieri L, Pareja M, Passarella MA, Passos NDM, Paulino-Neto HF, Luna Peixoto A, Pereira LC, Pereira RAS, Pereira-Silva B, Pincheira-Ulbrich J, Pinheiro M, Piratelli AJ, Podgaiski LR, Polizello DS, Prado LPD, Prezoto F, Quadros FR, Queiroz EP, Glebya Maciel Quirino Z, Rabello AM, Rabeschini GBP, Ramalho MMM, Ramos FN, Rattis L, Rezende LHG, Ribeiro C, Robe LJ, Rocha EMSR, Rodrigues RR, Romero GQ, Roque N, Sabino WO, Sano PT, Reis PDSS, Dos Santos FS, Alves Dos Santos I, Dos Santos FAR, Silva Dos Santos I, Sartorello R, Schmitz HJ, Sigrist MR, Silva Junior JC, Silva ACGE, da Silva CVC, Alves Vieira Silva BS, Silva BLF, Silva CI, da Silva FO, Silva JLSE, Silva NS, da Silva OGM, Silva Neto CME, Silva Neto ER, Silveira D, Silveira MS, Singer RB, Soares LASS, Locatelli de Souza EM, de Souza JMT, Steiner J, Teixeira-Gamarra MC, Trentin BA, Varassin IG, Vila-Verde G, Yoshikawa VN, Zanin EM, Galetti M, Ribeiro MC. Atlantic flower-invertebrate interactions: A data set of occurrence and frequency of floral visits. (2023). Ecology, 104(3):e3900. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3900


Ferreira LMN. (2019). More is not always better: a higher concentration of sucrose does not stimulate greater foraging investment in a species of Trigona (Hymenoptera: Apidae). In: VI International Symposium of Entomology, 2019, Viçosa, Brazil.


Ferreira LMN, Lima JAA, Damo JS. (2019). Damage caused by pollen robbing bees on anthers do not inhibit the visitation of flowers by pollinating bees. In: VI International Symposium of Entomology, 2019, Viçosa, Brazil.


Ferreira LMN, Cardoso WC, Guerra TM. (2019). Influence of fascicle states and floral differentiation on the reproductive strategy of Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae). In: XIV Congress of Ecology of Brazil, 2019, São Lourenço.


Ferreira LMN, Guerra TM. (2017). Comparative morphology of pollen grains of three floral classes of Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae). In: Jornada de Iniciação Científica da UFES, 2017, Vitória. Annals of the Jornada de Iniciação Científica da UFES. Vitória: PRPPG, 2017. v. 8. ISSN: 2357-7746.


Negrini-Ferreira LM, Cardoso WC, Guerra TM. (2017). New findings on floral variation in Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae): implications on its flower classification. In: XIII Congress of Ecology of Brazil and III International Symposium of Ecology and Evolution, 2017, Viçosa, Brazil. Proceedings of the XIII Congress of Ecology of Brazil and III International Symposium of Ecology and Evolution, 2017.


Ferreira LMN, Cardoso WC, Guerra TM, Dutra VF. (2016). Morphology of the pollen grain of the most feminine flower of Muntingia calabura L. (Muntingiaceae). In: 67th National Congress of Botany, 2016, Vitória, Brazil. Proceedings of the 67th National Congress of Botany, 2016.