Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: LUCIANO CARUSO

Expected Learning Outcomes

With reference to the Dublin descriptors, the student at the end of the course should acquire

A) Knowledge and understanding

Knowledge of the principles that underlie worker safety and the concept of a safe machine/installation

B) Applying knowledge and understanding

Ability to identify, recognize risk situations present in the work environment and apply the related regulatory aspects and contribute to training needs

C) making judgements

Ability to highlight the risks present and among the different possible technical and behavioral solutions, select which ones to adopt to eliminate or, at least, mitigate them, highlighting the residual risks

D) Communication skills

Ability to correctly use technical terms to be able to interact and interact with specialists. Ability to simplify and make aspects relating to workplace safety understandable, even to non-specialists

E) Learning skills

Ability to learn the topics covered through logical-deductive methods rather than mnemonic

Course Structure

Lectures and exercises (classroom and company), also on line

If teaching is done in mixed or remote mode, specific changes to the program may need to be made.

Detailed Course Content


Developments in legislation on health and safety. Hierarchy of the sources. Consolidated Law on Safety (d.leg.vo 81/2008). Machine Directives.

The risk: General Aspects and Methodological

Equipment and protective systems. General Precautions. The risks related to the use of machinery and work equipment. Evaluation indexes.

The risk and working activities.

Process and Risk Management. Measures of prevention, protection and training in the workplace. Classification of Risks. Operational methods of investigation analysis. Risk measurement. Investigative tool "The checklists (check -list)". Risk weight. Analysis of incidents and specific techniques.

Work environments and work management

Assessment of the environmental microclimate. Risk Assessment by hot environments and cold severe environments and Evaluation Indexes. Risk profiles and evaluation in dairies. Risk profiles of organization of work in the Manual Movement of Loads (MMC) and repetitive movements. Indices Rating MMC. The personal protective equipment (PPE) at the workplace.

The risk categories identification.

Risk assessment. Phases and activities of the evaluation and treatment of the risk process.

Examples of treatment of risk in working conditions

Risk analysis at installations for the production of biogas. risk profiles and evaluation in dairies. Safety in the work activities in the winery. of rishio profiles from exposure to solar radiation. Methods of risk reduction with small self-propelled equipments. Chemical risk: definitions. The main risks from chemicals. Classification of substances and preparations. The CLP standard. Symbols and indications of danger. Noise and vibration exposure in workplaces: references quantities; frequency analysis; measurement equipment; legislative references; PPEs; examples in agro-industrial plants.

Textbook Information

1. Oddo A., Banedetti E., Petringa Nicolosi R. – La Sicurezza delle macchine e attrezzature di lavoro. Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l.

2. Patrizia Cinquina – Sicurezza e prevenzione in agricoltura. Maggioli Editore

3. Teaching materials distributed during the lessons

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1L'evoluzione legislativa e Gerarchia delle fonti normativeOddo A., Banedetti E., Petringa Nicolosi R. – La Sicurezza delle macchine e attrezzature di lavoro. Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l.
2Testo unico sulla Sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoroOddo A., Banedetti E., Petringa Nicolosi R. – La Sicurezza delle macchine e attrezzature di lavoro. Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l.
3Le Direttive macchineOddo A., Banedetti E., Petringa Nicolosi R. – La Sicurezza delle macchine e attrezzature di lavoro. Wolters Kluwer Italia S.r.l.
4I soggetti del sistema di prevenzione Patrizia Cinquina – Sicurezza e prevenzione in agricoltura. Maggioli Editore
5Valutazione, ponderazione, trattamento del Rischio Patrizia Cinquina – Sicurezza e prevenzione in agricoltura. Maggioli Editore
6Il rischio chimico e il Regolamento CLPMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
7Modello di Valutazione del Rischio ChimicoMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
8Rischio da Microclima e Valutazione in ambienti severi caldi e severi freddiMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
9Fattori di benessere, Ergonomia e malattie professionaliMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
10Movimentazione Manuale dei Carichi ed Indici di ValutazioneMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
11Valutazione del Rischio da Movimentazione dei carichiMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
12Valutazione del Rischio da MMC con OCRA INDEX e OCRAMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
13Analisi e Valutazione del Rischio in Impianti per la produzione di BiogasMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
14Analisi e Valutazione del Rischio nei CaseificiMateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
15Dispositivi di Protezione Individuale (DPI)Materiale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni
16Il rischio rumore negli ambienti di lavoromateriale didattico distribuito durante le lezioni

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam will be an oral exam sustained on the dates of the exam roll call.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Risk classification

Risk Assessment and knowledge of the Assessment Indices

Qualitative assessment examples