Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: GIORGIO TESTA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The teaching activity aims at building knowledge, skills and competences about the adaptation and resistance to environmental stress, the improvement of the efficiency of the use of resources and the use of biotechnologies for the sustainable energy production. In particular, at the end of the course, students will be able to:

i)                    demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts on the functioning of agroecosystem functions, on the genetic improvement of field crops, on the efficiency of the use of nutrients, on the resistance to abiotic stress, on the production of biofuels from field crops and on the phytoremediation of polluted soil.

ii)                   apply skills and knowledge to understand with a professional approach, possess adequate skills to conceive and support arguments aimed at the use of biotechnology skills to optimize the use of the resources, the field crops bioconversion and their use for the phytoremediation of polluted soil.

iii)                 collect and interpret data and information aimed at independently analyze the processes and effects of the interventions applied along the production chains of field crops, critically evaluating any implications of a scientific and ethical nature, as well as identifying methods and tools for planning and managing the productivity of field crops.

iv)                 communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions relating to issues of interest to the biotech sector to specialists and non-specialists using a "supply chain" and "circular" approach.

v)                   develop, with specific reference to the contents of the discipline, learning skills that allow them to continue their university studies in subsequent cycles with a high degree of autonomy.

Course Structure

The course will be structured as follows: 

  • Lectures
  • Participated lessons
  • Cooperative lessons
  • Analysis of case studies

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported  syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. 
It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors  Anna De Angelis.

Detailed Course Content

  1. Basic knowledge on agroecosystems structure and function
  2. Brief notes on biodiversity and germplasm conservation
  3. Genetic improvement of herbaceous crops
  4. Genetically modified plants (transferred characters and genetic control)
  5. Nutrient use efficiency
  6. Resistance to environmental stress
  7. Biofuels production from herbaceous crops.
  8. Phytoremediation of polluted soils.

Textbook Information

  1. Genomica e Biotecnologie Genetiche – Vol III (Barcaccia, Falcinelli). Liguori Editore
  2. Biologia cellulare e Biotecnologie Vegetali (Pasqua G.). Piccin Editore
  3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli). Edagricole Editore
  4. Appunti del docente

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. Nozioni sulla struttura e funzioni degli agroecosistemi4. Appunti del docente
22. Cenni su biodiversita’ e conservazione del germoplasma2. Biologia cellulare e Biotecnologie Vegetali (Pasqua G.); 3.Appunti del docente
33. Miglioramento genetico delle colture erbacee4. Appunti del docente
43.1. Obiettivi del miglioramento genetico nelle specie erbacee 4. Appunti del docente
53.2. Metodi di incrocio e selezione (specie autogame, allogame e a propagazione vegetativa)4. Appunti del docente
64. Colture erbacee geneticamente modificate.1. Genomica e Biotecnologie Genetiche – Vol III (Barcaccia, Falcinelli); 2. Biologia cellulare e Biotecnologie Vegetali (Pasqua G.). 4. Appunti del docente
74.1. Controllo genetico dei caratteri: taglia, accestimento, fioritura, risposta al fotoperiodo4. Appunti del docente
84.2. Molecular farming3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli); 4.Appunti del docente
95. Efficienza d'uso dei nutrienti3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli);
106. Resistenza a stress ambientali3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli);
117. Biotecnologie per la produzione sostenibile di bioenergia3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli); 4.Appunti del docente
127.1. Filiere energetiche3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli); 4.Appunti del docente
137.2. Biocarburanti3. Biotecnologie sostenibili (Galbiati, Gentile, La Malfa, Tonelli); 4.Appunti del docente
148. Phytoremediation di terreni inquinati4. Appunti del docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The assessment of learning takes place through an oral interview. The evaluation of the student's preparation will take place on the basis of the following criteria: learning ability and level of depth of the topics covered, properties of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to reason.

The vote follows the following scheme:


Knowledge and understanding of the subject: Major shortcomings. Significant inaccuracies.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Irrelevant. Frequent generalizations. Inability of synthesis.

Use of references: Completely inappropriate.


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: At the threshold level. Obvious imperfections.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Just enough skills

Using references: As soon as appropriate


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Routine knowledge.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Is able to analyze and synthesize correctly. Argue logically and consistently. Use of references: Use standard references


Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Good knowledge.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Has good ability to analyze and synthesize. The arguments are consistently expressed.

Use of references: Use standard references.



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Knowledge more than good.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: Has considerable ability to analyze and synthesize.

Use of references: Has investigated the topics.



Knowledge and understanding of the topic: Excellent knowledge.

Ability to analyze and synthesize: He has considerable abilities of analysis and synthesis.

Use of references: Important insights.


Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, if the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

· The candidate describes the different types of environmental stress

· The candidate describes the strategies for improving the nutrient use efficiency

· The candidate describes a sustainable energy production process