Module Common Agricultural and Fisheries policies

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ROBERTA SELVAGGI

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course covers the European Common Agricultural (CAP) and Fisheries Policy (CFP) highlighting its role in the project of European integration. The evolution of the CAP and CFP is presented from an analytical perspective that enables the evaluation of its goals and instruments and how it operates, with reference to the regulation of the market for agricultural and fishery products and coastal and rural land development. It also aims to provide students with a framework of regulatory and institutional knowledge of the CAP and CFP adequate to understand the programming process and governance of these policies.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to carry out business consulting and planning activities using European funds.

Course Structure

The teaching methods include lectures, analysis of the constituent elements of developing an investment project, in-depth seminars, and coworking among students. In addition, teaching visits will be held.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline.
To receive more details on the matter, the Department's CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Disability and/or DSA Services) contact person can also be contacted.

Required Prerequisites


Attendance of Lessons

Attendance is not mandatory but strongly recommended.

Detailed Course Content

1. The process of European integration.
Evolution of the institutional set-up of the European Union through the treaties. Enlargement and creation of the eurozone. European institutions. The decision-making process.
2. Origin and evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). 
Birth of the CAP: priorities, principles and lines of action. The operating mechanisms of price and market policy. Early initiatives in favor of agricultural structures. Main problems that emerged and the process of CAP revision in the 1980s. The stages of CAP reform from Mac Sharry to Agenda 2000. Fischler reform.
3. The CAP 2023-2027.
Purpose and structure of the new CAP. Pillars. Key areas of reform. Competitiveness. Market orientation. Knowledge, research and innovation. Strategic plans. Objectives, fields of action and instruments of rural development policy. Convergence of titles. Risk management. Compulsory Management Criteria (SMRs); Maintaining land in Good Agronomic and Environmental Condition (GAEC). 
4. The instruments of the CAP 2023-2027.
Market measures. Direct Payments. Rural Development.
5. CAP Development Plan (PSP). 
Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. System of National Quality Animal Welfare (SQBNA). 
6. The common fisheries policy. 

Origins and evolution of the CFP. The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Fisheries resources. The aquaculture sector. Artisanal fisheries. Integrated maritime policy.

Textbook Information

1. European Commission, The Policies of the European Union Functioning of the EU, Luxembourg 2014.
2. European Commission, The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2017.
3. Frascarelli A., La politica dei mercati agricoli dell’UE per il periodo 2014-2020: un’analisi degli strumenti, Agriregionieuropa, Year 12 No. 46, 2016
4. Albani C., Bosco D., Ansovini G., De Filippis F., Frascarelli A., Leporati S. (eds.),LA PAC 2014-2020, Coldiretti, 2015.
5. Mantino F., La riforma delle politiche di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020, Agriregionieuropa year 9 n°35, Dec 2013.
6. European Commission, Overview of rural development policy 2014.
7. European Commission, Safeguarding the future of our seas and generating new prosperity, The Policies of the European Union, Luxembourg.
8. European Parliament, Fact Sheets on the Common Fisheries Policy. Summary notes on the European Union - 2016.
9. MIPAAF, Piano di azione per lo sviluppo, la competitività e la sostenibilità della pesca artigianale, Annex 7 of the EMFF operational program, 2015
10. Official documents related to the CAP 2023-2027 available at 
11. Rete Rurale Nazionale 2014-22, Gli interventi per il benessere animale del PSP 2023-2027.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
2The European integration process
3Origin and evolution of the CAP
4CAP 2023-2027
5The tools of the 2023-2027 CAP
6CAP Development Plan
7Common Fisheries Policy

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Assessment of the student's knowledge will be made according to the following criteria: the student's ability to learn and level of istudy of the topics discussed, property of synthesis and exposition, and the student's ability to argue. To this scope, it is planned:

- a written midterm test for attending students;
- a final oral test, within which I will assess also the development of a group project about a proposal from the FEASR and FEAMP structural investment funds.
The grade is expressed in thirtieths. The exam is considered passed if the student achieves a grade of at least eighteen thirtieths.

If necessary, the learning assessment procedure may also be conducted on-line.

The grading will be as follows:


Knowledge and understanding of topic: Significant deficiencies. Significant inaccuracies

Ability to analyse and synthesise: Irrelevant. Frequent generalisations. Inability to summarise

Use of references: Completely inappropriate


Subject knowledge and understanding: At threshold level. Obvious imperfections

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Barely sufficient capacity

Use of references: Barely appropriate


Knowledge and understanding of the subject matter: Routine Knowledge 

Ability to analyse and synthesise: Is able to analyse and synthesise correctly. Argues logically and coherently

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding of subject matter: Good knowledge

Analysis and synthesis abilities: Has good analysis and synthesis abilities. Arguments are expressed coherently

Use of references: Uses standard references


Knowledge and understanding of the subject: Knowledge more than good

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Has considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis

Use of references: Has deepened the arguments


Knowledge and understanding of the subject: Very good knowledge

Capacity for analysis and synthesis: Has considerable capacity for analysis and synthesis.

Use of references: Has significant in-depth knowledge.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

  • Role, functions of the European Commission and main regulations issued by the EU.
  • EU decision-making process.
  • Evolutionary stages of the CAP.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the CAP.
  • Implementation of rural development policies.
  • CAP development plan (PSP).
  • Ecoschemes.
  • Coupled Support.
  • National Quality System for Animal Welfare (SQBNA).
  • Investment calls.
  • Aims of the common fisheries policy.