Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Stefano Giovanni LA MALFA

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course is aimed at supplying detailed information about biological, environmental and agronomic factors dealing with citrus, grape and olive production.

Students will learn how to tackle matters related to varietal and rootstock choice and to agronomic management finding those most suitable for different specific conditions. 

Course Structure

Lessons, discussion on specific topics, excursion and visits.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported  syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. 
It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professors Giovanna Tropea Garzia and Anna De Angelis.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of general arboriculture is requested

Detailed Course Content

Citriculture: 1. Citrus taxonomy, origin and diffusion; 2. Ecology, crop adaptation to different climatic conditions, morphology and physiology; 3. Varieties of the main citrus species; rootstocks; 4. Genetic improvement; 5. Propagation and cultivation techniques.

Oliviculture: 1. Botany, diffusion; 2. Ecological and climatic requirements, organography and physiology; 3. Varieties; 4. Pruning and management; 5. Quality and product use.

Viticulture: 1. Origin, diffusion and distribution of the crop; 2. Botany, organography and ampelography; 3. Ecology and physiology of the crop and its behavior in different climatic conditions; 4. Propagation and planting: choice of rootstocks and varieties for wine and table grape; 5. Training systems, pruning and cultivation techniques

Textbook Information

Books for studying:
1. Gli agrumi. Collana Coltura & Cultura. Bayer CropScience, 2012

2. L’ulivo e l’olio. Collana Coltura & Cultura. Bayer CropScience, 2009

3. La vite e il vino. Collana Coltura & Cultura. Bayer CropScience, 2007

4. Arboricoltura speciale. Edagricole. 2022

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
11. Agrumicoltura: Inquadramento botanico, origine e diffusione degli agrumi; ecologia, morfologia e fisiologiaTesto 1: pagg. 1-37 - 
22. Agrumicoltura: Propagazione e tecniche colturaliTesto 1: pagg. 146-213 
33. Agrumicoltura: Miglioramento genetico; patrimonio cultivarietale delle principali specie agrumicole; portinnestiTesto 4: pagg. 23-112
44. Olivicoltura: Inquadramento botanico, diffusione nel mondo e in Italia; esigenze ecologiche, cenni di organografia e di fisiologiaTesto 2: pagg. 2-24; pagg. 350-357; pagg. 709-762 
55. Olivicoltura: Patrimonio cultivarietale; qualità e destinazione del prodotto Testo 2: pagg. 555-605; pagg. 358-371; pagg. 636-673 
66. Olivicoltura: Propagazione, vivaismo, potatura, forme di allevamento e tecniche colturali Testo 2: pagg. 372-439; 496-553
77. Viticoltura: Origine, diffusione e inquadramento botanico Testo 3: pagg. 1-46; pagg. 547-579
88. Viticoltura: Ecologia e fisiologia; Propagazione; scelta dei portinnesti e dei vitigni per vite da vino e da mensa; miglioramento genetico Testo 3: pagg. 235-245; pagg. 246-283; pagg. 474-488 
99. Viticoltura: Forme di allevamento, sistemi di potatura e tecniche colturaliTesto 3: pagg. 284-351