
Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SEBASTIANA PUGLIA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Learn the basic laws of classical physics. Be able to express the relations between physics quantities in the framework of the SI. Know some of the measuring instruments, the related working principle and the proper way to use such measuring instruments. Acquire the physics knowledge preparatory to the following teachings planned for the present degree course

Course Structure

Lectures with classroom exercises


Required Prerequisites

Good knowledge of some basic mathematical concepts, first and second degree equations, goniometry and trigonometry, concept of derivative and integral.

Attendance of Lessons

Optional but strongly recommended 

Detailed Course Content

Physics basic concept - Vectors – One-dimensional Kinematics - Bi-dimensional Kinematics - Dynamics - Work and Energy - Systems of Particles - Rotational Kinematics – Angular Momentum – Gravity (notes) - Fluid Mechanics - Thermodynamics - Electricity and Electromagnetism (outline) – Electromagnetic waves and Geometric optics (notes).

Textbook Information

1. David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker, “Fondamenti di Fisica: Meccanica, Termologia, Elettrologia, Magnetismo e Ottica”, 7° Edizione (2015), Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

2. Ugo Amaldi, "L'Amaldi per i licei scientifici", Vol. 1, 2 e 3, Zanichelli Editore

Students are free to use whatever other text may be more convenient for them
Further educational material will be provided on Teams and Studium

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Ongoing evaluation and oral exam. During the year, ongoing tests will be held relating to the part of the program carried out up to the date of the test. The final exam consists of an oral test which will focus on knowledge of basic physics and the entire program carried out, as well as some exercises to verify complete understanding of the subject

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Physics basic concept - Vectors – One-dimensional Kinematics - Bi-dimensional Kinematics - Dynamics - Work and Energy - Systems of Particles - Rotational Kinematics – Angular Momentum – Gravity (notes) - Fluid Mechanics - Thermodynamics - Electricity and Electromagnetism (outline) – Electromagnetic waves and Geometric optics (notes).