Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Giampaolo SCHILLACI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of agricultural machinery and the main components, of the related regulations and techniques of use, in order to increase their effectiveness and conversely reduce the negative impacts on the environment and crops, the risks towards operators. Knowledge of the selection criteria based on the objectives of the intervention to be carried out, respecting the constraints imposed by agronomic aspects, product hygiene, environmental protection and operator safety.

Course Structure

Lectures, with presentations of case studies, technical examination, drafting of technical papers.

If teaching is given in a mixed formula or remotely, necessary changes may be introduced to what was previously stated in order to comply with the provided and reported Syllabus.

Learning assessment may also be carried out on line, should the conditions require it.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. 
It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in our Dept.

Required Prerequisites

Agricultural Mechanics deals with both hardware-related aspects and connections with crops and the environment. It is therefore necessary to know Mathematics, Physics, knowledge of soil and plant chemistry, agronomy, herbaceous and tree crops, entomology, plant pathology is highly desirable.

Attendance of Lessons

Since these are professional topics and since the updating rate of the sector and of the research in progress is high, participation in the lessons is recommended, if not made compulsory by the Degree Course Regulations.

Detailed Course Content

The course deals with a  first (short) part of mechanics elements; the  second part  concern agricultural machines (from seeding to harvesting), taking into account setting of machines for a correct use, their impact on environment and about safe aspects.

Textbook Information

Professor’s hand out and power point

Class  Notes

Lazzari e Mazzetto , “Meccanica e Meccanizzazione" Ed. Reda

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Sistemi ed unità di misura - Richiami di fisica applicata - Definizione e classificazione delle macchine - Equazione generale delle macchine - Rendimenti delle macchineLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
2Resistenze passive per attrito esterno (per attrito radente, volvente, dei perni portanti e spingenti) e relazioni - giunti e rapporti di trasmissioneLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
3Costituzione, funzionamento e prestazioni dei motori ad accensione provocata (ciclo Otto) e ad accensione spontanea (cicli Diesel e Diesel veloce o Sabathé) - Tempi e fasi dei motori termici – Pregi e difetti - Curve caratteristiche dei motori (potenza, coppia, consumi specifici) e significato pratico.Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
4Trazione sul terreno agrario Cenni di fisica del terreno agrario - La resistenza alla lavorazione - Organi di locomozione - Cenni sulle reazioni fra organi di locomozione e terreno agrario - Aderenza e sforzo di trazione.Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
5Trattrice agricola Definizione - – classificazione – descrizione - trasmissioni (meccanica, idrostatica, elettrica) - dispositivi per il collegamento alle macchine operatrici - sforzo al gancio - rendimento al gancio - potenza al gancio - potenze del motore - bilancio dinamico – rischi per gli operatori e per l’ambienteLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
6Grandi Macchine Semoventi - Motocoltivatori e motozappatrici Descrizione - differenze reciproche – possibili utilizzazioni - regolazione della zappatrice - vantaggi e svantaggi rispetto alle zappatrici applicate alle trattrici - rischi agronomici e per gli operatori Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
7Macchine per lavori stratodinari di messa in coltura Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
8Pompe e Ventilatori - definizione, classificazione e campi di impiego - caratteristiche e limiti nel funzionamento - Curve caratteristiche - Ventilatori Definizione, classificazione, campi di impiego e in particolare sulle seminatrici e sulle macchine irroratriciLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
9Macchine per la lavorazione del terreno - classificazione - descrizione - funzionamento - rischi per gli operatori e per l'ambiente - regolazioniLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
10Macchine per distribuzione di materiali: spandiconcimi, seminatrici, trapiantatrici, macchine per la difesa - - classificazione - descrizione - funzionamento - rischi per gli operatori e per l'ambiente - regolazioniLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
11Macchine per la potatura, macchine trinciatrici di: arbusti, stocchi, ramaglie, sarmenti, erbe Lazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
12Dimensionamento Macchine motrici - operatrici Trattrice – rimorchio - - Trattrice – macchina trainata ma non azionata mediante pdp – - Trattrice – macchina operatrice trainata e azionataLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
13Macchine per la raccolta - Sistemi per l'agricoltura di precisioneLazzari and Mazzetto - Mechanics and Mechanization - Ed. Reda - Teacher teaching materials available on Studium
14Riconoscimento delle macchineTeacher teaching materials available on Studium

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Self-assessment test on the first part of the course; the list of questions is available on Studium.

The evaluation of the oral interview is based on the relevance, correctness, comprehensibility of the answers, on the ability to make connections between the topics of the program and to report examples consistent with the topic under discussion, on the quality of the contents, on the property of the technical language .

Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Units of measurement and conversions


Sizing of machines in relation to the characteristics of the soil and crop

Recognition of machines, classification, description, operation, regulations, risks for the environment and for people